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PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
MonkeyPunch Offline

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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
I agree that the event could have run more smoothly. However, in general, if want you feedback to be taken more seriously, do not use all capitals and swear words in your posts.

We should all keep in mind that was the first PVP event in quite some time and Rahice's first. Certainly we cannot expect things to be perfect. She has acknowledged to make rule changes to future PVP events only if she hosts them again; therefore, Ad Hominem (against the person) arguments should be refrained.
[Image: 2up5n5h.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2012, 06:24 PM by MonkeyPunch.)
10-15-2012, 06:22 PM
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cane 33 Offline

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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
Too mad for speak with calm, and my english suck too much for write good, but really: that rulez was simple ridicolous ._.
[Image: 2uikp3q.jpg]

Ren is the best
10-15-2012, 06:28 PM
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MonkeyPunch Offline

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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
Yes Marco we can see that you are angry. All that we can do now is put in our feedback, which you have made yours clear.

Unfortunately, speaking extremely negatively and rudely about how you felt the event went will not change back time. So let's all provide feedback so it can be used towards an improved version of this PVP tournament in the future!

--woopsies. Edits to remove repetition ;p
[Image: 2up5n5h.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2012, 07:14 PM by MonkeyPunch.)
10-15-2012, 06:33 PM
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GM-Rahice Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
I know the event has faults, and that I made mistakes recalling the wrong people at the wrong times and announcing a wrong name I think twice. I admit that there's mistakes and that it will be worked on.

It takes two sides to make an event work.

Not only is it on us to keep things running and to make sure the rules are fair (don't say anything until you read this all). But it is also for us to make a better event in the future. It also means that you as players need to put input in, which we are glad for. But I will tell you now. You come to me, cussing up a storm and screaming at me and I will NOT take you seriously.

I don't care if you see me as mean or stupid. But at least give me some decency, I'm also a regular player on this server and a person behind the screen. Even if you're mad and need to vent, taking it out solely toward me isn't going to make anything better.

There were issues, which are noted now and will be hopefully ironed out for future PVP Tournaments.

With that said, the Team Battle will commence under the same rules as the others to ensure that there is nothing suddenly edited and made unfair for others.
[Image: Rahice.gif]
Thank you Ren for the Signature!
10-15-2012, 07:27 PM
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ChaosPrince Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
@Marco: yes, I understand your point and we respect you not participating in the event.

@the event: First of all I'de like to say it's one step towards the right direction. PvP events are hard to host, due to variation in skills, players' personality, and the "boo I lose and now I am mad" reactions. Thus, thank you Rahice for being brave and hosting one.

Now critical feedbacks:
-Allow storage between rounds (you can run out of pots in a best of 3 fight, but you can refill after)
-30 sec rule is to ensure continuous action, thus I propose 2 options to replace it:
1. Set a time limit of let's say 3-5 minutes, player who deals most damage (everyone can will be eye witnessing) wins if both players are standing after the time alloud. [This will remove "ties" and shorten the event].
2. Have a smaller battlefield (less space to run, encourage action, allows spectators to see the entire action).
-Match ups does affect the results, in elimation rounds specially, but we can't do much about it... relies on luck.
-Add healer/repair NPC like ToH. Much faster and GM doesn't need to do it manually.
-If it's possible to script an NPC that can hand out the participation package, it will save you a lot of time. As the GM only needs to give the prize to the top 3 players.

FYI: Gorium beats me hands down. Match up were in my favor, if I had to face let's say Kman first round, don't think I'de finish 2nd.

10-15-2012, 08:50 PM
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Tets Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
shit happens
maybe fix rules
kick no-show's asses is p cool, helps you set the tourney up and lets us see whatsup
overrall, not even mad.. maybe a lil' bit
but if we were in prison, id protect you in the showers
10-15-2012, 09:01 PM
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Professor X Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
I have to agree with CP, this Tournment has started the ball rolling down the right path. It may not be perfect, but what is?
Much better than nothing. Can you make everyone happy? Probably not. Overall, I personally had a good time. I got raped in the nontrans (first round) but did better in trans. Fun either way. At least for me.

The majority of the rules are organized and seem fair (ie. skill restrictions, items, etc.). I believe the participant and winner prizes are quite nice., esp. for newer players or those with little time. Perhaps with greater future turn out, more prizes?
The map was neat and fine, but a little big for spectors to see whole match. Future Tournments could have different arenas? Maybe one with water? Waterball? Ha ha ha

Two best out of three rounds is alright per fight.
I think single round double swiss elimination may be more fair?
Fight one person once, then losers are paired with losers and winners with winners? So two loses to two different people = out?

I admit the 30 second aggression rule is very lame for classes that lack range skills, esp. with Push/Throwback enabled. Stapo Card and Throw Stone might solve the problem? Faster walking speed (PPHB)?
Or maybe extend 30s rule for WS (and other non range classes/builds) to 60-90s? Or maybe share the timer between both players (like if your getting hit, it's still good)? Smaller Map? No Push?
There are a few ways this could be dealt with.

I thank the GMs for putting work and time into developing events for us. Do not get bogged down by the negative, but learn from your mistakes.

I hope everyone will realize, we all have same goal, to make heRO for fun, for everyone ;D
Might be easier if we work together =0
10-15-2012, 09:59 PM
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ScarletWitch Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
Team Kazikaze

Professor X. (Lv97/69) High Priest (me) <- Team Captain
Matinee idoL (lvl99/70) Champion
Icon_biggrin Asasin cross Icon_biggrin (lvl9x) Assassin Cross
FuLuRen (lvl9x) Sniper

I don't how to get rid of those emotion icon above, sorry about that.
(This post was last modified: 10-16-2012, 12:31 AM by ScarletWitch.)
10-15-2012, 10:35 PM
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Astroboi Away

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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
Captain: Gorium "madman" McGee, 99/70 SinX
Kman "token black" Johnson, 99/70 WS
Marco 720 II "F**K THIS WORST EVENT" Corleone, 99/70 Prof
~Negredo~ "stand-in lexer" Sanchez, 99/70 HP

10-15-2012, 11:06 PM
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Mara Offline
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RE: PVP Tournament in Celebration of heRO's Birthday!
I actually enjoyed the event a lot, it was a tad slow, but it gave us something different.

Here are a few points that could be fixed:

- Adding a NPCs to the map for access between matches, repair and Kafra. (Like BG's, it cannot be accessible during a match, might be hard but you get the gist of it)

- Matches being best out of 3 makes things much faster. (If all 3 rounds were tied, add an extra rounds till there is only one person alive, or something like that.)

- Using a smaller map will help make matches faster.

- Edit the 30 second aggression rule. (I think this should be applied to the person running away, not to the one doing the chasing; since it just foments cowardliness.)

- Not really something that should be change, but merging extended classes with Trans classes might be good for future tournaments. (So they wont feel left out if it's a Trans only thing. Also Ninja > All other extended classes...)

Nothing else comes to mind at the moment, besides getting a video app to record the fights. That way you can see why and how things came out the way they did, and we can rewatch sweet ass matches like some of the trans ones.

@CP: I liked all your points except the "winner is decided via damage", since they can do just like Ryan and run away while doing 1k damage every 10 seconds or so, and not get hit.??It's hard to come up with a simple way to stop it.

Forgot to thank you Rahice for giving us this event (Though I did say it a few time during the event.) I hope we didn't discourage you into not making any more, and I'm sorry for any thing we might have said, I know we aren't an easy crowed to please.

I know it's a lot to ask but I would love to see a monthly tournaments between trans classes (and extended). It's harder than hosting a fairy auction, but If ToH is possible, I think this is too. Thanks again.
Mara: 9x/50 Soul Linker
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(This post was last modified: 10-15-2012, 11:11 PM by Mara.)
10-15-2012, 11:06 PM
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