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BG Price Update
GM-Ciar Offline
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BG Price Update
Hey heroes, the costs for Battleground Gear will be reduced greatly after next reboot!

Price Reductions:

Glorious Weapons: From 375 to 100 150 points
Glorious Suit: From 225 to 100 125 points
Glorious Shoes/Muffler: From 225 to 100 125 90 points
Glorious Ring: From 525 to 200 points
Glorious Public Ring: From 95 to 60 points
Non-Glorious Weapons: From 300 to 175 150 125 points
Medallion: From 300 to 175 points
Non-Glorious Armor: From 225 to 125 70 points
Non-Glorious Gear (Footgear, Garment): From 85 to 60 30 points
Custom Gear (Kunai, Silencer, etc): From 260 to 175 points
Custom Gear 2 (Black Belt): From 375 to 250 points

We hope this encourages heroes to participate more in BG!

Edit #1, 10/10/2015 1:45 PM: Increased cost of Glorious Weapons, Reduced cost of Non-Glorious Weapons, Slightly increased cost of certain armors.

Edit #2, 10/11/2015 8:39 PM: Decreased the cost of non-glorious weapons again, as well as non-glorious armors, non-glorious shoes/garment, and glorious shoes & muffler.
10-10-2015, 09:24 AM
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Gojira Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
Great logic, glorious items are cheaper than the non-glorious class sets which are weaker except for very specific cases....Oh well, I'm not even surprised at this point.
[Image: 14tph6o.png]
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2015, 10:49 AM by Gojira.)
10-10-2015, 10:39 AM
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ChaosPrince Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
So his weaklings can "compete" lol.
Good thing I'm a good hamster and kept over 4000 BG points unused. looking forward to some +10 gears <3 ty care bears.

Watch for them to while the BG history so everyone start fresh LOL.
10-10-2015, 01:19 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
Updated list with new costs.

- Increased cost of Glorious Weapons from 100 to 150.
- Reduced cost of Non-Glorious Weapons from 175 to 150.
- Increased cost of certain armors from 100 to 125.

I would also like to clarify that weapons cost the same on official servers.

iRO Wiki Classic Wrote:Weapons
  • Any Type: 100 Badges (Valor or Bravery) / 2,000 KVM Reward Points (KVM Items Only)
10-10-2015, 01:51 PM
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Shinibu Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
10-10-2015, 02:41 PM
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Gojira Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
(10-10-2015, 01:51 PM)GM-Ciar Wrote: Updated list with new costs.

- Increased cost of Glorious Weapons from 100 to 150.
- Reduced cost of Non-Glorious Weapons from 175 to 150.
- Increased cost of certain armors from 100 to 125.

I would also like to clarify that weapons cost the same on official servers.

iRO Wiki Classic Wrote:Weapons
  • Any Type: 100 Badges (Valor or Bravery) / 2,000 KVM Reward Points (KVM Items Only)

Because clearly, you can compare the situations right? Hero has unspammable BG combined with such a small playerbase that you literally need to organize a party to get BG going. iRO has very active BG which can be spammed over and over again with no downtime and no cost what so ever (no bullshit key system to hinder it).

Getting 100 badges to buy a full non glorious setup (weapon, armor, shoes, garment) takes like 3h of BG on iRO. On this server, it'll probably take like 3 weeks with how things have been lately.

Oh and, glorious weapons costing the same as non-glorious? I think there's only one thing to say about all this joke....

ayyy lmao
[Image: 14tph6o.png]
10-11-2015, 04:13 AM
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Demogorgon Offline

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RE: BG Price Update
thanks for trying to revitalize BG, hope itll work.

to CP and AMJ;

I really dont get why you stick around at a Place you despise so much just to refuel your frustration and spread it unnecessarily.

Ill disregard CP´s post as a pure Frustration Vent, as usual lately.
AMJ at least mixes some actual arguments in his cynicism but what is wrong with the approach made? The Price got already cut in more than half of the original value. It is still slower than IRO,but they cant miracilously fix old mistakes.

Dont want to be in GMs Shoes atm, they still dont abandon BG despite of low Playercount/Attendance and as a thanks they get this kind of "Feedback"

My own 2 Cents:

The large Exodus of competitive Players really crippled BG but in my Opinion what really killed it was the Dicing Wave"
No Clue if im alone in this but i used to check out BG semi-regularily to see if its running but almost completely stopped with that when 80% of the Time it was running people were dicing. (I actually got yelled at for throwing ADs and "ruining their BG" , thats like going to a Metalfestival and complain about loud music)
From my Observation many of the other semi-regular combatants lost interest too back then so it ended up in current state (winning a lottery or gathering 4+ people yourself)

No clue how to fix that Problem, maybe lowering Prices is a Start. Was always against the argument of allowing 1v1 but maybe thatll be neccessary at some point :/
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10-11-2015, 07:56 AM
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Alister Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
I thought players had ruined heRO.
But i was wrong.
You GMs did it.
•° Alister - Sniper             
•° Leofer - Professor         
•° Shindler - Assassin Cross
•° Lhuminer - Creator          
•° Vagner - Clown             
•° Schlaicher - Champion         
•° Lucipher - High Priest                        
•° Shnaejder - Whitesmith
•° Lhenner - Stalker
•° Alexandher - Paladin
•° Sacriphicer - Blacksmith
10-11-2015, 09:09 AM
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yacsef Offline

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RE: BG Price Update
wtf guys i worked so hard for my gears it cost me 2 million points and now i can get them so easily??? refund plz

Just kidding, nice initiative. I hope bg gets active again!

10-11-2015, 10:19 AM
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Jens Offline
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RE: BG Price Update
The dice wave is quite recent phenomenon, and afaik BG was almost completely dead even before that.

Other than that, I'm getting quite sick of people not even playing anymore crawling out of woodworks only to bitch and criticise every decision GMs make, without offering a constructive solution. Well, after all, that was what they've always done.
Mouth big enough to bitch about what's wrong, but balls not big enough to step up and be a part of the process to make it right.
[Image: 4NuAbXh.png]
10-11-2015, 11:30 AM
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