He said "nanner nanner boo boo."
So I'm saying "nanner nanner boo boo" back.
Roger and I know each other well, but, I think you may be simply defending him. I admire that.
Thanks for checking. It's been a pleasure. *Bows.*
I'm glad you revealed yourself, though, because now its my turn! ^.^
Example of Bullying:
May I fully rejoin the T&D team with equal permissions or are you still collaborating to subjugate me based on your preconceived notions of my behavior? Didn't think so. I'm a bit too
covertly aggressive to intolerance.
^This is not something to Envy. And it only serves to put you in your place. We're different, and that's fine by me. Doesn't stop me from from respecting how well you do something, or the positive effects a team of You's create.