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The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
The Midgard Times Offline
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The Chronicle of Heroes
Protecting The City of Magic

This morning, what seemed to be a small lightning storm swept across the orc lands, ravaging everything in its path. Early reports indicated it was simply a freak weather event, but after a visit to the tribe shortly after, we realized it was something much, much worse.

Eudoxie had somehow found out last week's battle between the orc chief and the nobles was only a ruse, and the orc tribe was actually cooperating with Geffen's Government to assist and warn them of any future attacks. In retaliation, Lich Afanasy was sent to wipe out the tribe.

The orcs suffered a great loss, but still remain strong, and their chief told us he will still assist in any future battles against the emissaries of darkness.

Pixie also agreed recently to send troops to assist in any future fights. For the time being, the mirror and the city of Geffen seem to be in safe hands under these alliances.

In other news, Geffen's citizens woke up to find they could no longer teleport or warp around the city. A strange magic field had engulfed the city and the surrounding areas.

The mayor, the authorities and Adelaide's troops knew nothing of it, which raises concerns regarding Dark Lord's Mirror Fragment, as now it cannot be easily transported anymore.


The next chapter in the Chronicle of Heroes will take place next Saturday, April 22 at 8:00 PM EST!

This event will require heavy coordination and teamwork with the whole server, as all parts happen not just in Geffen, but in the surrounding areas, all simultaneously.

[Image: geffensiegemaps.png]

Encroaching Shadows

This part of the event will involve fiends appearing on the bridges that lead to Geffen. On Geffen Field 04, monsters will appear on the north half of the map, and they must not cross the bridge to the south side's green area. Similarly, on Geffen Field 07, monsters will appear on the west side, and must not reach the east side's green area.

The city must be protected this way for the duration of the event, until GM-Ciar announces the monsters have been defeated, and if any mob crosses the line 3 times, this part will be considered a failure.


While everyone else protects Geffen, another group of heroes must patrol any other possible entry points to the city which Eudoxie or Ostellos could use. It is worth noting that Kafra Teleportation and Warp Portals are not possible for them. As soon as the event starts, there will be 15 minutes to find both Ostellos' and Eudoxie's MVP, otherwise this part will be considered a failure. If you find either or both, please PM a hosting GM immediately!

Dark Impetus

Six MVPs will be scattered across the fields surrounding Geffen, and all of them must be found and defeated within 30 minutes. These MVPs are:
  • Midnight Jack
  • Hanz Von Abendroth
  • Lich Afanasy
  • Werewolf
  • Emissary of Darkness
  • Lord Matthew

PM a hosting GM as soon as any of these is defeated, See the image above for maps these can be found in.

Ethereal Vortices

Three Dark Vortex MVPs will spawn at a location specified by the GM at the beginning of the Event. They are immobile, cast different kinds of skills, and are mostly unaffected by physical attacks. There is a time limit of 30 minutes from the beginning of the event to defeat these.

Other Event Details

  • No mass resurrections will be provided during the event.
  • Failure during one part of the event will have consequences on the other parts.
  • The quality of the prizes at the end of the event depend on the success of it.
  • All participants must be in a party created by the GM. Once the party is full, the GM will assign someone of his or her choosing to lead other parties.
  • Participating parties must all have item share options on.
  • Exp Share should be on if possible, but please understand players of all levels are welcome to this event.
  • Any items obtained by the GM through party item share are kept by the GM. They will not be dropped in looter mobs or diced off.
  • Communication and teamwork is key. This cannot be stressed enough. Players may use this thread to organize their classes, parties, strategies, etc.
  • Please remember that regular server rules apply during this event, with the exception of kill stealing.
  • To provide a better experience at the event, the GMs reserve the right to change any and all rules at any time, with the exception of the one prohibiting GMs to share their loot.
  • This is a big event and takes time to prepare, not to mention there are some situations GMs aren't in control of. Patience is virtue!

Assist Troops

For this event, players will have access to a new feature: Assist Troops.

What are assist troops?

They are "monsters" that follow the player, fighting alongside them, similar to an MVP's follower. However, these act on their own, contrary to mercenaries. They will only be used in specific chronicles event.

Troop Details:
  • There are 2 assist troops for each trans or extended class. There are also 3 Orc Troops and 3 Fairy Troops, for a total of 42.
  • Heroes will be assigned a troop of their own allegiance. If the player is neutral, either a light or dark troop will be assigned at random. This does not apply to orcs or fairies.
  • Each has their own build, with different strengths and weaknesses.
  • Before the event starts, all participating players will be warped to a separate room to "register" them with an NPC.
  • There will be NPCs scattered throughout Geffen and the surrounding area, each gives a choice of 3 troops.
  • The NPC will only respond when a Chronicle of Heroes event is ongoing, meaning only GMs will choose when to have these assists available.
  • An assisting warrior will be at your side for 20 minutes, until you relog, or are KO'd.
  • You can only have 1 assisting warrior with you at a time. Due to technical limitations, where there's no way to remove your current troop, you must relog if you want another troop, even if it dies.
  • It is absolutely prohibited to leave the event area with an assist troop active. Severe punishment will be issued to any player that does this. To avoid respawning in other towns, you must save in Geffen.

If there's any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

Hope to see many people at the event! Remember, it's on Saturday, April 22 at 8:00 PM EST!
[Image: image,The-spc-Midgard-spc-Times,white,black.png]
04-20-2017, 05:42 PM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Im in, i may play Scholar. im playing ME HP.
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[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 06:48 AM by The Roger.)
04-20-2017, 05:55 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
I can come on Stalker to provide scouting assistance for Eudoxie and Ostellos. Also happen to make a pretty decent tank versus some of those bosses listed on either of my said stalkers I play. ;D
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

04-20-2017, 07:01 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Bump, the event is tomorrow.

There will also be a reboot some time after the event, to put in motion the consequences of the siege.
04-21-2017, 04:37 PM
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Keegan Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
I will be there! Likely on LK. I'll be doing some more practice on Lich before the event.
Find me in game on: Lord Kegs, Dreranus, Nalo, Arkhan, Alzealdon
04-22-2017, 01:01 AM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Guys, i will play a ME HP and recruit a physical troop, like a LK or a WS, and head killing the MVPS scattered around; obviously if someone comes with me we'll kill them faster!

Remember we need some people guarding the two bridges too!
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and counting


[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 04-22-2017, 12:46 PM by The Roger.)
04-22-2017, 12:00 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
I've decided to come on my vit stalker. You guys can count on me to help scout for Eudoxie and Ostellos, and afterwards, I'll check in and see if you need me to help vs mvp's or defend the bridges. :D
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

04-22-2017, 12:22 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
The event is in 2 hours!
04-22-2017, 06:11 PM
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The Midgard Times Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Chronicle of Heroes ~ Death of a Leader

A massive incursion was mounted by Eudoxie and Ostellos earlier today. Hordes of all sorts of fiends and zombies attempted to cross the Geffen Bridges, but Adelaide's troops and heroes of all kinds held them back. However, Eudoxie managed to enter Geffen Dungeon via a cave north of the orc fields and take the remaining mirror fragment.

Adelaide and her troops chased after Eudoxie and Ostellos, but were stopped in their tracks at the field east of the city. The conjurer and Adelaide battled fiercely, but the latter was no match for such dark magic power. By the time the dark conjurer was done with the lady knight, Geffen City had been overrun by all manner of fiendish creatures.

Before going unconscious, the fallen agent ordered her troops to proceed with Plan B, which turned out to be an airship strike upon both Geffen bridges. The battle ships destroyed the bridges, preventing any more fiends from entering.

Adelaide Adlersflugel died at the Geffen General Hospital hours later. Her wife and now new head of the Anti Terrorism Task Force, Agent Selene Winterfield, thanked everyone who stood by her side, and asked to be given some time alone.

After the attack, a deathly silence reigned over the battered city of Geffen. It was short-lived however, as it was shattered by a powerful earthquake that originated in Glast Heim. The ruins were covered by a veil of darkness, and so far, both chivalry troops sent to the ruins have not come out alive.

Everyone's greatest fears have been realized: Dark Lord has been liberated.


Chronicle of Heroes ~ Cataclysm

Tonight, tragedy struck the Lutia region once again. Shortly before midnight, the sky around the region was lit up by what seemed like a normal meteor shower. Then, fire rained down, decimating all it struck.

Lutie and Crystal Shore suffered little damage, but everything to the east was essentially obliterated.

As to the cause of this incident, it was confirmed that Eudoxie and what seemed to be Dark Lord appeared in Kaldheim during the night, and the fiend unleashed some kind of massive spell shortly after. Apparently, still humiliated and reeling from her defeat at the Siege of Lutia, Eudoxie wanted to make an example out of the region.

It is currently unknown just how many died in the cataclysm, but rescue efforts are already underway.

- - - - - - -

"So what you're saying is, she obliterated a country without so much as notifying me, or even considering the use Kaldheim would have had as a stronghold." Ostellos told Lord Matthew. It was clear from the scholar's tone that he was very much unhappy.

The crimson lord knight nodded. "I just thought you should know. I think she's back now, anyway."

"Tell her I want to talk to her."


Just then, Eudoxie nonchalantly walked into the room and spoke up. "I'm here, no need to find me."

Lord Matthew started walking off. "I'll take my leave then, Reilinn and I must meet with the remaining troops."

Eudoxie raised her eyebrow at the scholar. "What did you want me for?"

"I heard about Lutia." He began, but was interrupted by the woman, who had a sinisterly smile.

"Great, that's why I came here. Now they know not to mess with us, if it wasn't already clear before."

Ostellos sighed, disappointed. "You don't get it. This planet's energy is harmful to Dark Lord's. He must recover. He'll probably be weary for days because of your little request for fireworks."

Eudoxie's expression instantly changed to an upset one. "It sent a message!! Even if he takes a week to recover, now they know what we can do. Their fear makes him stronger!" She didn't like that the scholar wasn't appreciative of her actions.

"You didn't even talk to me about it. I would have suggested we use Kaldheim as a stronghold. But no, pride first!" The scholar shouted. "It got you killed last time, and it'll get you killed again if you don't keep it in check."

The woman scoffed furiously, walking away. "We'll talk later, I can't even listen to you right now." Having heard it all, a figure behind a wall crushed a butterfly wings with his hands, warping away before being seen.


Thanks for joining the event, and sorry for the few technical and IRL difficulties that delayed it!

Out of 4 parts, Encroaching Shadows, Infiltration, Dark Impetus and Ethereal Vortices, the heroes succeeded in only the last 2!

Regarding Encroaching Shadows' failure, the fiends got through on the west bridge once, and then again on both bridges when Eudoxie was sighted and players left their posts!

As for infiltration, Ostellos was found and stopped just outside the field entrance to Geffen Dungeon F4 (gef_dun03), but Eudoxie wasn't found! She was in Geffen Dungeon F2 (gef_dun02).

All MVPs were killed on time on the other 2 parts.

There will be a patch released some time tomorrow to complement tonight's reboot and apply the proper changes to Geffen, and Geffen Fields 00, 04, and 07.

The end of the current story arc is ever closer! Stay tuned to this thread for more updates!

[Image: screenheRO-Server481_1.jpg]
[Image: image,The-spc-Midgard-spc-Times,white,black.png]
04-23-2017, 12:35 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
The patch for Geffen's Aftermath has been released!

[Image: 9RQt9Vz.jpg]
04-23-2017, 08:36 PM
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