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The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
GM-Rahice Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Well, since we are talking about it.

+1 to my post count and may the death be fun at this event!
[Image: Rahice.gif]
Thank you Ren for the Signature!
05-10-2017, 09:58 PM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
(05-10-2017, 09:44 PM)Namine Wrote: "Roger wasn't there" may have been the answer, but I got reasons to worry about it since it wiped the server the first time. And now, Dark Lord is stronger than before ;o

Im applying the setup to tank Naght Sieger, and he is way stronger than this puny Dark Lord =P
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[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
05-11-2017, 07:51 AM
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Namine Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
*sigh* I got sent off site for work this weekend so no event finale for me Icon_cry

Dark Lord, please win and wipe the heroes out so we have a 3rd battle/3rd chance for me to participate.

~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~

05-11-2017, 05:31 PM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Noooo =(
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[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
05-11-2017, 07:09 PM
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The Midgard Times Offline
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The Chronicle of Heroes ~ The Darkness of Eternity
In the peacefulness of a Rachel home, a female high wizard ate her lunch. But, a faint flapping noise around her house was getting on her nerves. Upon looking out the window closest to her, a raven swooped down and landed on the windowsill, startling the woman. The bird and the woman stared at each other, until eventually she started actually talking to it.

"It's happening again. I'm not as strong as last time Dark Lord was around, but... I still feel like I should fight."

The raven simply looked at her. It didn't try to fly away, or barely move at all, for that matter.

"I assume you'll just watch and not help... Stoic as usual." She remarked with a long disappointed sigh.

"If you won't do it for this world, at least do it for yours. Dark Lord won't be satisfied with just Midgard." The bird turned its head, almost as if it could understand.

"Just something to think about." And with that, the window was closed.


Bump, the event is less than 48 hours away! Click here to see the time converter.


There will be four parts to the event, of which only some of the first two parts will be explained here.

The first part will involve a small puzzle in the chamber leading to the area Dark Lord resides in.

The second part is a battle with Dark Lord. General info is listed below.

Liberated Dark Lord
25,000,000 HP
40 DEF, 40 MDEF
Ghost 2 Property, Demon Race, Large Size

Attack Range: 3
Spell Range: 10
Sight Range: 30
Movement Speed: 100 (Equivalent to Peco Rider with Increase Agility)

Attack: 5,000 ~ 10,000
Magic Attack: 720~1,254
Hit: 198 (273 flee is required for 95% flee rate)
Flee: 158 (178 hit is required for 100% hit rate)
Attack Speed: ????

30 STR
60 AGI
30 VIT
165 INT
100 DEX
13 LUK

Known Skills:
Undead Property Attack
Break Helm
Napalm Vulcan
Meteor Storm
Dark Jupitel Thunder
Hell Judgement
Hell Inferno
Soul Expansion
Vampire Gift
Wide Silence
Wide Bleeding
Evil Land
Other skills may be used

The Dark Lord MVP summons look and behave like the regular Dark Lord MVP, with 720,000 HP, and use mainly Fire Bolt, Hell Inferno and Meteor Storm. Their ASPD was increased to avoid their usual animation issue, and their attack was lowered from the regular MVP's original one to compensate.
[Image: image,The-spc-Midgard-spc-Times,white,black.png]
05-12-2017, 12:24 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Bump: The event is in less than 9 hours!
05-13-2017, 11:24 AM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
WOOT very nice event, with very cool fights! im gonna share the video when its ready!
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[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
05-13-2017, 09:22 PM
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Aaronock Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Very intense fights but very fun!
Got a +5 Scarletto Nail out of it so I'm really happy~
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

05-13-2017, 10:41 PM
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Namine Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Sounds like things went well! How was the fight against Liberated Dark Lord and the mystery event part 3 and 4?

~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~

05-13-2017, 10:55 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: The Chronicle of Heroes ~ Of Fiends and Shadows
Dark Lord was survivable for about 5m HP, then people started dropping like bees flies. DL implied he wants to conquer Midgard because he couldn't conquer the demon realm.

Part 3 involved people being dragged to the demon realm by "????", where they wandered around fighting dark blobs until they found, fought, and beat a Shadow Dragon. Then, part 4 happened. "????" revealed himself to be Beelzebub and attacked the party. After much death, they got it to half HP of the second form, and he transformed again, to this. His intent was to enslave all of Midgard in order to use them to return the demon realm to its former glory, whatever that may be. Halfway through the fight, we learned that Deus Ex Machina can indeed happen in heRO, as hinted by the previous RP post. An unknown "???" portaled Beelzebub and the heroes to the edge of infinity. Being away from the demon realm, Beelzebub's powers weren't limitless. He was defeated but not killed, and the heroes prevailed. \o/

Best recap -2/10. I'll post the more official recap later.
05-13-2017, 11:28 PM
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