I voted yes because I no longer have 5 hours free a day to make "progress" in Ro. Now Im stucked between getting some zeny/ farm new gears/ play with my friends.
Now I barely play 1 hour, maybe 2 hours in special occasion, 3 or 4 days a week.
Increased rates by a bit can help those who now work and no longer have a lot of time, level charas/ farm items or at least zeny to buy stuff from "roger's great macro economy"

I really don't want to change the drop rates to a crazy level, but I think 5x drops should be nice.
I don't complain about increasing all the exp rates because low levels are pretty easy to lvl up, but when someone reaches 90 becomes pretty hard lvl or find parties, also the few parties that are made, are 95% muspels. Maybe retouching some high lvl mobs in dungeons can help to vary parties destinations. I know some places need "special" gears to be more viable like pasana/thors, bathory,marduk/dg bathory/nameless. If increasing drop rates are not viable, at least make some drops that are basic for different places other than muspel more accesible.
Making hatter cards more common should be nice
Sorry 4 mah Taco english m8's

Love Pon.