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hero.exe won't run
demishock Offline
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hero.exe won't run
Hi all, long time no see! Love I disappeared a long time ago because I went on hiatus, and when I came back, I couldn't get the game to run anymore. As there was a lot going on IRL at the time, fudging with the settings was pretty low on my priority list and I eventually gave up.

Cut to today, feeling nostalgic, thinking about trying this out again, still can't run the game. I've tried everything I can think of. I re-downloaded and re-installed the full client, and I can get all the way through the patching, but then it just keeps giving me an error saying "Failed to launch application: heRO.exe". My antivirus (Norton) was getting all ticked off at it initially, so I created an exception, and it stopped making angry pop-ups at me, but the problem persists. When I try to run heRO.exe directly from the folder on my computer, Windows 8 pops up a bar across my screen that says "This app can't run on your PC."

So I'm really at a loss. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
06-30-2019, 03:17 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Welcome back to HeRO! This issue feels familiar. If you've done the basics (disabled firewall and tried running hero as admin) and nothing works, check this thread out:

Let us know how it goes!
06-30-2019, 04:15 PM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: hero.exe won't run
One common thing nowadays is that new OSs for some reasons skip the installation of old drivers and servicepacks, like, even if 2010 was just the effing past decade, pls effing install that sh*p 'cos many softwares still need those; but a big "No, eff you." from the OS pushes us to crank the lever manually.

For more understanding of what the issue could be, share here the complete full error messages you get and best also if you share some screenshots if those are really long to copy.
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[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
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[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2019, 05:18 PM by The Roger.)
06-30-2019, 05:18 PM
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Bakorzero Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Have you try run it with other compatibility setting? Try run it at windows service xp pack something

Forever and ever :3
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07-01-2019, 12:03 PM
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demishock Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Thanks for the suggestions. Alas, nothing seems to be working. I tried installing those service packs from the other thread, but nothing changed. I've tried running as an admin and in every available compatibility mode (Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP). Installed all the optional updates Windows said I had available, with no luck.
Not much to the errors I'm getting:
[Image: mhsxet.jpg]
[Image: 23kom77.jpg]
07-01-2019, 10:04 PM
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Bakorzero Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Not sure if the problem related like mine but maybe you can check This is based on resolution/graphical setting tho. If I am not mistaken some GM prompt some players to install specific patch fix for something back then I forgot what it was. Perhaps you download the wrong version idk. What I suspect is the new windows missing some old dll files or perhaps direct x something required to play the game but the new windows might skip those. The last thing perhaps you can do virtual machine based on older windows so you artificially run older windows in new windows machine, but I am sure it will slow down the performance.

Oh btw GM Garr ask me to install this in my data folder inside heRO folder (this is what I mean the patch fix btw ) not sure if it fix your problem. I download the full client years ago but the GM said my DNS dont match up and said this would fix it. not sure it's specific for my client or for others too. From your screenshot I see the update is completed but the app is not played. I am sure it's just a bit little switch somewhere. If I am not mistaken you should run dll or something from hero folder to make path for the system idk. I might be wrong tho. I am sure this is common for freshly downloaded client, there has to be something missing or old or need to be run and tweaked. I remember my hero client folder doesnt work so I try to download new one but after tweaking something on the old one and clicking random stuff it is still the one that works. Hope it make sense...

Try screenshot your each individual files in hero folders in detailed view and make the size is shown for each files, maybe you miss something there or the size could be different than mine.

Btw I miss GM Garr I never met him in the game tho.

P.S dont give up Icon_smile I almost gave up years ago and almost looking for another server entirely. but here I am. The server is my home now :3

In the mean time you can join our discord for chat and giggles

Forever and ever :3
[Image: lfWi1Fq.gif][Image: G7JCiGG.gif][Image: YqIxIQd.gif]
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2019, 07:09 AM by Bakorzero.)
07-02-2019, 04:34 AM
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GM-Rahice Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Probably a silly question, but have you ran it as Administrator?

Also, Hello Demi, welcome back.
[Image: Rahice.gif]
Thank you Ren for the Signature!
07-02-2019, 08:45 PM
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demishock Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Thanks Rahice! Sorry for vanishing after AIM bit the big one. Everything kind of hit the fan around the same time. And yes, I was running it as admin, and it didn't seem to matter.

HOWEVER! After trying out everyone's advice here and also joining the discord, I eventually wound up re-installing the whole thing yet again but on a different drive and this time, miraculously, it seems to be fine. I don't know what the difference even is but as long as it's working, I don't much care, haha.

Can't promise I'll be on with any kind of regularity (have to relearn all the controls... oof) but I'm looking forward to trying to get back into it a bit at a time. Glad this server is still alive and kicking! Ok
07-03-2019, 12:20 AM
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Bakorzero Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Well that's nice to hear congrats. Also welcome back to the server Icon_smile

Forever and ever :3
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07-03-2019, 09:28 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: hero.exe won't run
Glad to hear you got the game working, welcome back!
07-03-2019, 02:22 PM
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