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Pet Updates of 2019
GM-Ciar Offline
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Pet Updates of 2019
As part of a series of pet updates, most if not all of HeRO's pets, be they official or custom, will be changed, improved, retouched, or customized in one way or another.

The aim of this is to provide variety in the pet system, even if an effect is minor, so that pets such as Taini or Grand Peco can do more than just look cool and eat expensive items. These effects can range from minor stat boosts such as providing attack or hit rate, to improving a skill's damage or healing efficiency of a particular item. Unless otherwise specified, all bonuses listed here are obtained once a pet becomes loyal.

Some of these pets are not normally tameable, such as Jakk, which is Halloween Exclusive. They may slowly be made available via tames or quests, but keep in mind that patching in items or creating quests take time.

This first post will contain all the updates listed throughout this thread.

Newbie Pets
These are meant to be easy to obtain pets for new players. Once loyal, each pet increases one particular stat. If their pet equipment is worn, either HP or SP recovery rate will be increased. They start off with 500/1000 intimacy, unlike almost every other pet which starts with 250, and each feeding increases intimacy by 50. They also have a very high tame rate (20%).

Picky - STR +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Rocker - DEX +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery
Baby Desert Wolf - INT +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery
Spore - VIT +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Savage Babe - AGI +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Lunatic - LUK +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery

Note: Some of these pets' equips can be created by an NPC.

Minor Bonuses
These generally have the same stats (intimacy gained, tame chance, etc) as those listed under "Newbie Pets", but give a variety of bonuses relating to attack, defense, and speed. All start out with 250 intimacy like normal pets, are not looters, and eat pet food (and if they previously didn't, they do now).

Chonchon - HP & SP Recovery +5%, [+Pet Equipment] Hit +2
Peco Peco - Move Speed +3, [+Pet Equipment] Move Speed +25 every 20s with a 20s delay (official)
Orc Warrior - ATK +1%
Orc Lady - MATK +1%
Steel Chonchon - Soft Defense +10
Crab - Soft Magic Defense +10

Note 1: Move Speed +3 is barely noticeable, but enough to slowly outrun mobs that would otherwise have equal or slightly slower movespeed.
Note 2: Peco Peco's Movement speed does not stack. Only the highest number is applied among all items used or equipped.

Low Tier Status Resists
All pets under this classification provide a 5% resistance to a particular status. They have an above average chance to attack or change target once loyal. They also gain about 40 intimacy per feeding, and lose only 20 intimacy if the owner dies. None of these are looters.

Nightmare - +5% Resistance to Sleep
Shellfish - +5% Resistance to Blind
Poison Spore - +5% Resistance to Poison and Deadly Poison
Horong - +5% Resistance to Freeze
Jakk - +5% Resistance to Silence
Mantis - +5% Resistance to Bleeding
Medusa - +5% Resistance to Stone
Rafflesia - +5% Resistance to Confusion
Baby Leopard - +5% Resistance to Bleeding
Strigoi - +5% Resistance to Curse
Ember Lizard - +5% Resistance to Burning

Note 1: Mantis, Strigoi and Ember Lizard's effects were already implemented in the past. The only changes to these mobs were to standardize other stats such as intimacy gained, etc.
Note 2: Currently, the Burning status is only caused by a small amount of monsters which spawn in Surtur's Palace in Muspelheim, while the Deadly Poison status is only caused by a handful of monsters, such as Warzone Assassin Crosses, Luciola Vespa and Centipede Larva.
Note 3: Nightmare now eats damp darkness instead of blue herbs, Rafflesia eats green herbs instead of shoots, Horong eats coal instead of mystic frozen, shellfish eats pet food instead of grit, and Medusa eats meat instead of apple pudding.
Note 4: Medusa's tame, splendid mirror, is now dropped by Les at 0.60%, and her pet equip (aesthetic only), is dropped by Medusa herself at 0.75%.

Low Tier Stat Ticks
All pets under this classification provide +1 to a stat and a small bonus related to the given stat. They have an average chance to attack, and gain about 25 intimacy per feeding, considered slightly above average. Some of these pets are looters.

Whisper - AGI +1, Flee +3
Karakasa - INT +1, MATK +5
Zipper Bear - STR +1, ATK +5
Toucan - LUK +1, Critical Rate +3
Snow Bunny - VIT +1, HP +100
Applering - DEX +1, Hit +3

Note 1: Karakasa and Snow Bunny are looter pets.
Note 2: Zipper Bear now eats pet food instead of honey.
Note 3: Whisper now drops its own pet equipment, pet soul ring, at 0.75%.

Status Infliction
These pets inflict a specific status at 3% chance when physically attacking. They gain and lose intimacy at an average rate, have a 15% tame rate, but do not loot. Stronger status effects (Stun, Curse, etc) are caused by higher level mobs such as High Orc and Diabolic.

Scorpion - Poison
Familiar - Blind
Coco - Sleep
Evil Druid - Stone
High Orc - Stun
Sea Otter - Freeze
Diabolic - Curse
Miyabi Doll - Silence
Curupira - Confusion
Blazering - Bleeding

Note 1: Blazering was already implemented in the past. The only changes made were to its pet stats such as intimacy gained, etc.

Mid Tier Bonuses
These have mid-level bonuses, and some can cast skills once their pet equip is worn. They have a 10% tame success rate, and lower intimacy gain rates in comparison to the easier monsters.

Bongun - Max SP +1%, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Munak - Max HP +1%, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Hunter Fly - Gain 3 HP when killing monsters with physical attacks, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Golem - Def +1, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Dokebi - Mdef +1, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Joker - Increase the success rate of Steal by 10%.
Petit - ASPD +1% (Official Effect), [+Pet Equipment] Flee +2
Quve - Ignore 2% of the target's defense
Lude - Ignore 2% of the target's magic defense
Kraben - Add a 3% chance to perform a guiding attack (will not miss)
Green Applering - Cast Time -3%
Taini - All Stats +1

Note 1: Golem's tame is now dropped by golem itself at 0.75%, while its pet equip is dropped by cruiser at 0.75%.
Note 2: Taini now eats Candy Cane instead of star dust.
Note 3: Bash chances are 5% base, with an additional 5% gained when the pet is loyal. Keep in mind that the monster uses the skill, the player will not autocast it.

Mid Tier Pet Equip Effects
These pets provide different effects depending on if the gear is equipped. They have average pet stats (Intimacy gain, loss, tame rates, etc).

Succubus - Max HP +2%, Max SP -1%
Incubus - Max SP +2%, Max HP -1%
Shinobi - Reduce the SP Cost of Hide, Cloak, Shadow Jump, Ciceda Skin Shed and Mirror Image by 5%, [+Pet Equipment] Perfect Dodge +1
Stone Shooter - Reduce the SP Cost of Bullseye and Tracking by -5%, [+Pet Equipment] Casts Splash Attack for 300 damage at 5~10% rate.
Isis - HP/SP Recovery +3%, [+Pet Equipment] Casts Magnificat Lv 2 every 60s when HP/SP is below 50% (Official Effect).
Baphomet Jr. - ATK +5, [+Pet Equipment] For 5s, every 55s, your attacks will have a 1 cell splash range.
Sohee - Max HP +100, [+Pet Equipment] Heals for 400 HP every 60s when your HP is below 33% (Official Effect).
Goblin Leader - +5% Bash and Mammonite Damage, [+Pet Equip] Casts Pierce for 750 damage at 5~10% rate.
Nightmare Terror - Hit +5, [+Pet Equip] Casts Dark Strike for 600 damage at 5~10% rate.
Wicked Nymph - "Heal Bomb" damage +5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Splash Attack for 600 damage at 5~10% rate.
Dullahan - Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Critical Wounds at 5~10% rate
Marionette - Napalm Beat, Soul Strike and Napalm Vulcan SP Cost -5%, [+Pet Equip] Cast Time -3%.
Loli Ruri - Increases incoming heals by 3%, [+Pet Equip] For 20s every 40s, VIT +6
Civil Servant - Reduce SP Cost of 4 Bolts by 5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Recovery on the pet owner when HP and SP are below 100%.
Leaf Cat - Increases Red/Yellow/White Herb heal power by 10%, [+Pet Equip] SP Recovery +5%
Imp - Crit +3, ATK +5, [+Pet Equip] Casts Fire Ball for 800 damage at 5~10% rate.

Experience Increase
These pets increase experience from a particular mob race by 2%. Most of their stats are average, except intimacy gain and tame rates, which are slightly lower. Pet foods vary, as well as ability to loot.

Sunny Bug - Insect
Snow Leopard - Brute
Galapago - Fish
Dryad - Plant
Blazer - Formless
Dancing Dragon - Dragon
Hyegun - Undead
Teddyring - Angel
Flame Skull - Demi-Human
Teddy Bear - Demon

Racial Damage Reduction
These pets increase resistance against a particular race by 3%. Intimacy gain and tame rates are low, similar to experience increase pets. Pet foods vary, and only Waste Stove loots.

Waste Stove - Insect
Winter Wolf - Brute
Green Maiden (Chung E) - Fish
Mavka - Plant
Aliot - Formless
Gajomart - Dragon
Zombie Master - Undead
Violy - Angel
Gemini - Demi-Human
Pumpkinring - Demon

Racial Damage Increase
These pets increase physical damage against a particular race by 3%. As above, intimacy gain and tame rates are low.

Cendrawasih - Insect
Garm Baby - Brute
Sedora - Fish
Pinguicula - Plant
Cupcakering - Formless
Red Ferus - Dragon
Wanderer - Undead
False Angel - Angel
Alice - Demi-Human
Zealotus - Demon
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-25-2019, 04:43 PM
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Bakorzero Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Does whisper pet provide skill hide like old system or will it be removed ?

Forever and ever :3
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07-26-2019, 06:17 AM
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The Roger Offline

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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Whisper pet gives Hide skill? o.O

Anyway, is Smokie going to be changed?
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and counting


[Image: image,RNGod,white,black.png]
[Image: NYD-ONESHOT-7-85-M-damage.png]
[Image: Screenshot-20190605-030429.jpg]
07-26-2019, 08:15 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
According to Hercules which is based off official servers, Whisper does not provide the hiding skill. The only effect it provides now is the one listed on the first post of this thread.

Smokie's effect provided by the red scarf gear will not be changed. The loyalty effect is subject to change, however.
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-26-2019, 12:12 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
A new pet update was added to the first post!

Newbie Pets
These are meant to be easy to obtain pets for new players. Once loyal, each pet increases one particular stat. If their pet equipment is worn, either HP or SP recovery rate will be increased. They start off with 500/1000 intimacy, unlike almost every other pet which starts with 250, and each feeding increases intimacy by 50. They also have a very high tame rate (20%).

Picky - STR +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Rocker - DEX +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery
Baby Desert Wolf - INT +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery
Spore - VIT +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Savage Babe - AGI +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Lunatic - LUK +1, [+Pet Equipment] +5% HP Recovery

Note: All these pets eat "Pet Food" as of this post.
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-28-2019, 02:36 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Second update, and maybe last one for now!

Minor Bonuses
These generally have the same stats (intimacy gained, tame chance, etc) as those listed under "Newbie Pets", but give a variety of bonuses relating to attack, defense, and speed. All start out with 250 intimacy like normal pets, are not looters, and eat pet food (and if they previously didn't, they do now).

Chonchon - HP & SP Recovery +5%, [+Pet Equipment] Hit +2
Peco Peco - Move Speed +3, [+Pet Equipment] Move Speed +25 every 20s with a 20s delay (official)
Orc Warrior - ATK +1%
Orc Lady - MATK +1%
Steel Chonchon - Soft Defense +10
Crab - Soft Magic Defense +10

Note 1: Move Speed +3 is barely noticeable, but enough to slowly outrun mobs that would otherwise have equal or slightly slower movespeed.
Note 2: Peco Peco's Movement speed does not stack. Only the highest number is applied among all items used or equipped.
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-28-2019, 10:33 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Status Infliction
These pets inflict a specific status at 3% chance when physically attacking. They gain and lose intimacy at an average rate, have a 15% tame rate, but do not loot. Stronger status effects (Stun, Curse, etc) are caused by higher level mobs such as High Orc and Diabolic.

Scorpion - Poison
Familiar - Blind
Coco - Sleep
Evil Druid - Stone
High Orc - Stun
Sea Otter - Freeze
Diabolic - Curse
Miyabi Doll - Silence
Curupira - Confusion
Blazering - Bleeding

Note 1: Blazering was already implemented in the past. The only changes made were to its pet stats such as intimacy gained, etc.

Mid Tier Bonuses
These have mid-level bonuses, and some can cast skills once their pet equip is worn. They have a 10% tame success rate, and lower intimacy gain rates in comparison to the easier monsters.

Bongun - Max SP +1%, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Munak - Max HP +1%, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 800 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Hunter Fly - Gain 3 HP when killing monsters with physical attacks, [+Pet Equipment] +5% SP Recovery
Golem - Def +1, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Dokebi - Mdef +1, [+Pet Equipment] Uses Bash for 1,000 damage at a 5~10% chance.
Joker - Increase the success rate of Steal by 10%.
Petit - ASPD +1% (Official Effect), [+Pet Equipment] Flee +2
Quve - Ignore 2% of the target's defense
Lude - Ignore 2% of the target's magic defense
Kraben - Add a 3% chance to perform a guiding attack (will not miss)
Green Applering - Cast Time -3%
Taini - All Stats +1

Note 1: Golem's tame is now dropped by golem itself at 0.75%, while its pet equip is dropped by cruiser at 0.75%.
Note 2: Taini now eats Candy Cane instead of star dust.
Note 3: Bash chances are 5% base, with an additional 5% gained when the pet is loyal. Keep in mind that the monster uses the skill, the player will not autocast it.
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-29-2019, 09:05 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Mid Tier Pet Equip Effects
These pets provide different effects depending on if the gear is equipped. They have average pet stats (Intimacy gain, loss, tame rates, etc).

Succubus - Max HP +2%, Max SP -1%
Incubus - Max SP +2%, Max HP -1%
Shinobi - Reduce the SP Cost of Hide, Cloak, Shadow Jump, Ciceda Skin Shed and Mirror Image by 5%, [+Pet Equipment] Perfect Dodge +1
Stone Shooter - Reduce the SP Cost of Bullseye and Tracking by -5%, [+Pet Equipment] Casts Splash Attack for 300 damage at 5~10% rate.
Isis - HP/SP Recovery +3%, [+Pet Equipment] Casts Magnificat Lv 2 every 60s when HP/SP is below 50% (Official Effect).
Baphomet Jr. - ATK +5, [+Pet Equipment] For 5s, every 55s, your attacks will have a 1 cell splash range.
Sohee - Max HP +100, [+Pet Equipment] Heals for 400 HP every 60s when your HP is below 33% (Official Effect).
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
07-31-2019, 03:42 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Mid Tier Pet Equip Effects Part 2
A continuation of the above effect series.

Goblin Leader - +5% Bash and Mammonite Damage, [+Pet Equip] Casts Pierce for 750 damage at 5~10% rate.
Nightmare Terror - Hit +5, [+Pet Equip] Casts Dark Strike for 600 damage at 5~10% rate.
Wicked Nymph - "Heal Bomb" damage +5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Splash Attack for 600 damage at 5~10% rate.
Dullahan - Holy Cross and Pierce SP Cost -5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Critical Wounds at 5~10% rate
Marionette - Napalm Beat, Soul Strike and Napalm Vulcan SP Cost -5%, [+Pet Equip] Cast Time -3%.
Loli Ruri - Increases incoming heals by 3%, [+Pet Equip] For 20s every 40s, VIT +6
Civil Servant - Reduce SP Cost of 4 Bolts by 5%, [+Pet Equip] Casts Recovery on the pet owner when HP is below 100%.
Leaf Cat - Increases Red/Yellow/White Herb heal power by 10%, [+Pet Equip] SP Recovery +5%
Imp - Crit +3, ATK +5, [+Pet Equip] Casts Fire Ball for 800 damage at 5~10% rate.

Note: Dullahan now eats damp darkness.
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
08-01-2019, 12:08 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Pet Updates of 2019
Experience Increase
These pets increase experience from a particular mob race by 2%. Most of their stats are average, except intimacy gain and tame rates, which are slightly lower. Pet foods vary, as well as ability to loot.

Sunny Bug - Insect
Snow Leopard - Brute
Galapago - Fish
Dryad - Plant
Blazer - Formless
Dancing Dragon - Dragon
Hyegun - Undead
Teddyring - Angel
Flame Skull - Demi-Human
Teddy Bear - Demon
[Image: UAx69ij.png]
08-02-2019, 03:05 PM
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