I wunt to go But i cant I hate this i want to go so bad
does any GMs live in Arizona? thay coude make one here
oh nvm arnt you all like in your 20s? im so young stupid age
like i said Pandora Come pick me up and bring me to the Meeting Relly come pick me up ok well maybe one day you guys will make one where i live
[zou zou & apple | crusader, baby priest + hunter, merchant | <3 my grand berd ]
Itachi and I will be dropping by Montreal for some kind of Arabian concert being arranged by our older cousin on the 18th. o_o It's too bad that it's been confirmed to the 11th, so we won't be making it. ToT We'll be in Montreal the week after though, if anyone is interested.
Moreover, I hope you guys have fun. Go easy on the drinks! (I doubt that there will be any. /gg)