Sodo Wrote:Manifus Wrote:Sodo Wrote: I love my glasses, I've got purple ones, and red ones, both the same exact style, just different lenses. I'll get pics of me with both eventually. Those are my purple ones in that pic. Hey Soda~ wheres the 1337 ninja in you? hehe good ole times ~ I got your ninja right there. Sodo, Inuzuka Kiba style~ EDIT: I think I look bad in this picture, the one before was way better.
Manifus Wrote:Sodo Wrote: I love my glasses, I've got purple ones, and red ones, both the same exact style, just different lenses. I'll get pics of me with both eventually. Those are my purple ones in that pic. Hey Soda~ wheres the 1337 ninja in you? hehe good ole times ~
Sodo Wrote: I love my glasses, I've got purple ones, and red ones, both the same exact style, just different lenses. I'll get pics of me with both eventually. Those are my purple ones in that pic.
EvilSpaceBunny Wrote:cessy i've never seen a picture of you before :O i thought you'd be blond. (i have no idea why) me and because i wub myself
Marcaryn Wrote:feh... of course Genom's picture wouldn't work when I try to look at it >< anyway... here is mine...
Vivi Wrote:xD Woo Nam = canto? post mine later when i don't feel lazy
Cessy Wrote:Weird, I've been told I look like Jude Law and Vince Vaughn but never Vincent Perez (don't even know who he is, I'll have to look him up)
constipatedkiller Wrote:Cessy Wrote:Weird, I've been told I look like Jude Law and Vince Vaughn but never Vincent Perez (don't even know who he is, I'll have to look him up) I was just about to say you look like Vince Vaughn stunning resemblence!