Omg,That poor Rose xD Jk.
Flossy you scare me kinda not in a omg your gonna kill me way in a omg please dont get hair jell on me xD i like your spiky hair
Pute on a shirt!!!!
i thot you woude look more like this
[~Muffin~ baby wizard | Apple baby priest | Zou Zou crusader | <3 my grand berd]
Word used to define someone who is really intelligent but a bit stupid or an airhead.
A "Flossy" would say "I have a Phd in you think we can sit on chairs underwater ?"
"My IQ is 160, But i think red cars are faster than blue ones"
^ WHAT !! Thats BS~!!! Blue cars are FASTER !!~~~~~!!!~~
Hey now!??Just cuz Flossy looks skinny doesn't mean he doesn't eat as much as he should... Flossy could be one who eats lots but stays the same weight (or takes longer to gain).??I know lots of guys irl who eat tons but stay slimmer than usual.?? It's called Metabolism!??
I eat LOTS myself and stay the same weight... Like each meal is a feast! XD??Just different for everyone!
Welcome Flossy!