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The level 4 weapon quests explained!
Force-Attuned Krogoth Offline
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The level 4 weapon quests explained!
Because lots of people have asked questions about it, I've decided to compile everything into a concise format. There's no excuse for not knowing now!

There are two templates for the Level 4 weapon quests. One type starts in Umbala, and gives you a choice of using one of three gemstones. Each stone will make one weapon, so you know what you're getting. The other type is longer and more random. The NPCs in Niflheim will give you one of four weapons, and you don't know which until it's over.

To start an Umbala quest, start by talking to the appropriate NPC with a character level 70 or higher. He will then ask you to bring some items. They are 10 gold, 50 steel, 10 emperium, and 30 of your choice of gemstones. When you return with them, he will play a guessing game with you. There will be four choices, and a random one of them is the correct answer. After five rounds of this game, if you haven't gotten it correct once, then you lose 10 of the gemstone. If you guess correctly at least once, he makes your weapon!

NPCs, weapons, and corresponding gems:

Bazo (117,285)
  • Immaterial Sword -- Citrin
  • Slash -- Turquoise
  • Quadrille -- Agate

Hibilaithan (163,257)
  • Mailbreaker -- Muscovite
  • Swordbreaker -- Biotite
  • Slaughter -- Pyroxene

Tabezthan (156,77)
  • Caesar's Sword -- Phlogopite
  • Tyrfing -- Peridot (Note: Might be referred to as Olivine)
  • Sabbath -- Rose Quartz

The Niflheim quests are more involved. They start at the respective NPCs in Niflheim, and you must be level 80 to participate. When you talk to a NPC, they say that they don't remember anything. To jog their memory, you must go find their father, Bill Thayer. He's at (178,239) in Aldebaran, along the north wall. He will give you a phrase to repeat to the dead smith, which must be done exactly, punctuation and capitalization count! Once you've done this, you will be asked to bring 20 Gold, 2 Hammers of Blacksmith, 1 Illusion Flower, and 1 Emperium Anvil. When he collects these, the NPC will say he forgot what other materials are needed. Return to Bill Thayer and he will know. At this point, the weapon option narrows from four to two, but randomly. It is important to remember, you are not guaranteed the weapon you want! If you collect gems for your desired weapon before turning in the gold and anvil, don't be surprised if Bill Thayer doesn't list the ones you have. Once you have 30 each of the requested stones, return to Niflheim for the guessing game. You will play three rounds of rock-paper-scissors with your ghostly contact. You must win two times of the three to proceed. If you lose, he will take 30 of one of the gemstones you brought. When you beat him, he will give you one of two weapons, based on a coin toss.

The specifics for Niflheim quests:
Kayron (240,193)
  • Great Axe OR Guillotine -- Peridot, Turquoise, Agate
  • Longinus Spear OR Brionac -- Phlogopite, Pyroxene, Rose Quartz

Reyghema (99,268)
  • Berserk OR Rudra Bow -- Muscovite, Rose Quartz, Peridot
  • Tjungkuletti OR Brocca -- Biotite, Agate, Citrin

Hein (187,280)
  • Edge OR Excalibur -- Turquoise, Biotite, Rose Quartz
  • Dragon Slayer OR Schweizersabel -- Citrin, Pyroxene, Phlogopite

Waltboughst (331,72)
  • Byeollungum OR Combat Knife -- Muscovite, Agate, Citrin
  • Exorciser OR Grand Cross -- Pyroxene, Turquoise, Phlogopite
I wish you all good luck in getting these unaparallelled weapons!Icon_biggrin
Kroggles ensures the living stay living, and the dead stay dead.
Clobberella beats you up.
Teela Brown has a birdie!
Flosshilde communes with the very souls of the damned.
Walsung is actually pretty cool. For a guy made of metal.
03-27-2007, 05:52 PM
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Salvosa Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
I know this is dead and all, but why on earth wasn't this stickied? Icon_confused
Rysie - 82/50/High Priest

Reyli - The blue haired girl - 81/50/Baby Alchemist
Razhak - 51/Amistr
07-21-2007, 04:42 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
This forum section is for all sorts of guide. We can't sticky all of them, normally only the very important ones are. Although very cool, the level 4 weapon quest doesnt have the same importance as say, how to install sakray/ragnarok.
07-21-2007, 08:18 AM
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ShadesOfBlue Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
it should be stickyed. woulda been nice to have instead of trying to track down the info on various site and bugging people when i started these things
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07-21-2007, 02:54 PM
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The Legendary Joe Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
bumped for easy access.
02-16-2008, 07:34 PM
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ShadesOfBlue Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
i still think this should be stickeyd Icon_razz
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02-16-2008, 09:34 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
Actually, Ayu has undertaken the task of cleaning this section and is going toward having less sticky, but it will be in the guide listing.
02-17-2008, 12:38 AM
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Motenai_Ronin Offline
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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
Is there a way to purposefully lose out of this quest once you've started it? Without losing any stones preferably, but even if i do; since I started with one npc, but I have changed my mind since...

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11-15-2008, 12:30 AM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
No, once you start, you go at it until you get a weapon of some sort back. You cannot forfeit.

Hey at least you get the stones by mining and not camp 3 minibosses 15+ times each. It's not too bad hm?
11-15-2008, 12:39 AM
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Force-Attuned Krogoth Offline
Jack of All Trades

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RE: The level 4 weapon quests explained!
It is tied to character, not account. You can have multiple quests open, provided you have multiple chars 80+.
Kroggles ensures the living stay living, and the dead stay dead.
Clobberella beats you up.
Teela Brown has a birdie!
Flosshilde communes with the very souls of the damned.
Walsung is actually pretty cool. For a guy made of metal.
11-15-2008, 08:59 AM
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