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RE: More EXP when in Party?
Adrillf Wrote:For certain classes and certain builds parties already produce more XP than soloing. It's a lot easier for a priest in certain builds to keep a party alive and share XP than to try to solo and get XP. Also with the right parties and people in that party being unselfish you don't need to wait for people being dead, running low on HP or SP, or any other complaint. If the party is well balanced you can get along a lot longer than had you just soloed and spammed fish in the same area.
Second! As a wizard, I here that about partying being worth more, since I'm never gonna pull the same mob as an LK. More importantly though, when I do party with friends whom I already know how to work very efficiently with, there is no down time. We extremely rarely die. Things are smooth, we all have the correct gear and consumables, and it's faster than anything any of us can solo. Pick up groups do tend to get slow if you have a couple of problematic members, though. (Few people are as mean/up front as me and wont tell people incapable of partying to either listen to what needs to be done or go back to town).
Quote:You might hate parties, while other people love them and wish they would happen more. The biggest problem I see with any of this is that most people don't understand or have first hand seen the joys of parties and just what can happen with a good party.
This. Levelling in the wrong spot with a party is as bad, or usually worse, than trying to solo in the wrong place. Trying to do abyss with certain parties will be like throwing a DS spammer at an ice titan while the wizard is stuck JTing a kasa. Yuck. I find a lot of people don't know where any given party should optimally go, and it's not an easy skill to get since it requires so much RO timesink.
Quote:The only other problem that I've ever ran into with parties is that because this server has been so strongly populated with solo players, we don't know how to make a party to kill a group of monsters. Certain classes are so use to just running in and killing things then spamming fish, that they waste resources and the healer's time in the party. I'll admit that I'm guilty of a crime like this because I am so use to soloing that I'm use to getting off spells as soon as things start following me instead of letting the tanks take agro and then blowing things up. People are so bent on PvP and soloing that they've never spent the time to learn how to kill monsters in a group setting, and that poses a problem to this push to make more parties.
Basically this post of mine is a giant QFT on Adrillf's post. Seriously, partying up requires you become more than a sum of your parts. Just cutting loose is no good. When you get really good with people, you can just intuit eachothers actions and really pull down amazing exp in an enjoyable fashion. When you do get efficient mobbing going where everything is smooth and no one's at major risk, exp flies up (for a lot of classes).
Some people might still wanna solo though, what can I say, snipers have a really strong grip of pvm and it's difficult to offer them better than they can get as is. Something like thanatos 7+ might entice them though. For all the effort of co-ordinating a party and being skilled enough to pull of high exp, it might be nice to see this admittedly small exp boost to reward people for putting in that time (it's much faster set up wise to go solo something you know you can trust yourself to kill than put trust in a party that might blow up).
For those concerned that people will start making 12 person parties and just squeeze the max out of this system, pulling down huge exp advantages, be aware that you can't just make efficient exp with any random group of 12 people. Often times, less is more. A mobber, a priest, someone to deal with the mob. Maybe one other niche role to fill. Sometimes adding more to that is just filler and will kill the exp. In the end, the maximum bonuses are largely gonna come from 'special' events (thanatos climbing, bio 3) and big mvps (ktul, kiel). While the latter probably don't need any help being hax exp, the others kinda deserve a bonus granted the difficulty of organising such a party on a low population like this. Just getting 6 trans people together to get into thana 3+ in the first place can be a pain, I'm sure it's not easy on most other guilds either.
+exp in parties with this modifier will probably make a small difference, but a deserved one. Most of the objections so far seem to be from misunderstandings of the first post (not getting that you need to be sharing exp, and how inefficient that is for a 1% boost, and that it's a 1% boost difference from just regular plain old leeching that you can do as is)
05-14-2008, 05:13 AM |
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RE: More EXP when in Party?
GM-Mystra Wrote:You can be sure we are taking every bit of precaution in balancing it out. 11% can't hurt that much (Pandora's first example was +96%... uhm no! >_< ) Hey hey there, that wasn't MY example, it was eAthena's example! I said from the start that this was too much and suggested only 1-2% o_O
Krimlin: afk autotrade merchant leveling is against the rules, you should know this... -_-
@Adrillf actually my legit and some friends had a thana party about 2-3 weeks ago with people from all those guilds you mentioned, it was fun. Guild rivalries aren't as strong as they seem to be, it's more about certain members from certain guilds, in my opinion at least.
Nayelianne Wrote:If you're getting 0,04% per kill, of course an extra 1% per kill would be unbalanced. I think you misunderstood there, or perhaps my information wasn't clear. For example if a mob gives 50,000, regardless if thats 0,04% or 0,96% for you, if you have 10 other people with you (so a party of 11 total) you'll get an extra 5000 exp (10%).
On a side note, you know how if everyone hits the monster you get more exp? You get much more that way that you get by the new +1% per party member that we want to add. If you have a party of 12, everyone will get an extra 11%, but I think it's well deserved considering that you have to get that party together in the first place, and then each monster's exp is divided in 12!
We've already had some tests on a test server, and we'll do some more but without lots of people it's not how we're gonna know if it works for heRO or not. We'll most likely have a 2 week trial period.
05-14-2008, 09:41 AM |
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RE: More EXP when in Party?
GM-Pandora Wrote:Krimlin: afk autotrade merchant leveling is against the rules, you should know this... -_-
I was thinking what silv was thinking, as that the party was in each take, thus not breaking the current rule about merchants //without knowing that to get the bonus xp, the party had to be in share mode//.
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05-14-2008, 09:46 AM |
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RE: More EXP when in Party?
sucks that we have to resort to changing game mechanics to get people to party on hero.
get rid of fish  .
tbh i dont think any of silv's posts made any sense. the 1% wont hurt in any way so go for it  .
an extra 10% (when split ELEVEN ways) for an mvp that spawns every 4-8 hours and almost no guilds kill anyway? big deal. oh no everyones gonna abuse valk randgris to level!
gravity admitted they screwed up and made things unbeneficial for partying when they changed the mechanics to be more party-friendly in RO2. i know we dont care about RO2, but you get my point. its nice that heRO is taking this into its own hands.
(This post was last modified: 05-15-2008, 03:10 AM by teOx.)
05-15-2008, 03:08 AM |
Mmm Blood
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RE: More EXP when in Party?
I still don't understand why the old SVN had a +10% exp bonus...
If 3 people were partying, and only 1 person did the kill, EXP distribution was 43.33333% for each member instead of 33.33333% each. Back when Maiden, Drew and I used to do Bio3 by Rooting + Asura, we always got 215k exp each instead of 166k
Yet no one complained about it, and I am pretty sure people partied more often on old SVN. Aside from the fact that Bio3 got harder now, there were at least 2-3 Bio3 parties there most of the time. The exp bonus was too attractive and encouraged parties. Hopefully this new 1% should push people to party more..
05-15-2008, 04:31 AM |