Hello everyone! I'm new, just joined a couple days ago, but only now registered here at the forums.
I've been playing a lot of servers recently; some have closed, others haven't met my picky standards, and the last one.. well .. nevermind. Anyway, I'm happy to be here at heRo, I really enjoy what I have seen of this server so far. It seems to be manged very professionally, and there's lots of awesome custom stuffs for the players. My only concern is the economy, but my friends assure me it is ok.
Speaking of which, I followed a handful of friends here, and I hope to be WoE active as soon as I can be. I love to party and just talk (though chatting always becomes a huge distraction, as I never want to level when I can be talking to other players instead.) x_x;;;
Some stuff about me, I live in the US, and I've been playing RO for about 5 years. I started out on iRO Loki (and I refuse to use kRO names! Its TSS, not FO! Grr..) but when it became too much of an expense I dropped my membership and started playing on pservers. I stick to low rate servers with as little customization/ "ways of ruining RO" as possible, and have played on one too many servers. @_@ (Though this server balances custom stuff almost entirely fairly. =p)
I'm at uni now. I haven't declared a major yet, but I love learning foreign languages. So as soon as I determine the courses to take I will declare a double major allowing me to teach English as a Second language, preferably in a foreign school setting. So I'd need formal training in teaching, english, and the language of the country I choose. I haven't chosen a country yet, but I speak french very well and understand basic chinese. I aim to expand my knowledge in foreign languages.
I enjoy gaming (RO and xbox 360), reading fantasy novels, cultures (especially food
), cats, anime, strawberries, playing with photoshop, and being lazy in general. o_o; Its a random list I know! -.-
And I'm sure that's way more information than you ever wanted to know.
My in-game name is Sariel. Gasp.. Hope to meet some friendly people here! <3~
I noticed from the online members that there is a Sarakiel here also. Sorry, didn't mean to copy your name. ;-;
Edit: Waaaai poring emotes!