Welcome to the heRO Caption Contest,
Player sponsored by....me :D
For the caption contest, I will post a Picture, and you write a caption for it. It can either be, text of what the people would say in the picture, a describtion of whats going on in the picture, or some caption like that. The object is to be funny/interesting/entertaining.
To submit your caption, PM me on the forums. The captions will be judged by next week, so you have until then to submit :D
Anyone may enter a submission.
1.) Only 1 submission per person.
2.) On the private message, title it Caption Contest and leave your ingame name in your submission.
It will look something like this:
Caption Contest
"Caption submission here"
-ign (ingame name) : "here"
3.) No complaining nomatter what the outcome, just because you dont win wont??be an excuse for "flaming" (Just had to add this

"You know everyone wants to know this :3"
1st place : OBB
2nd Place : Gift Box
3rd place : Poring Card
Thank you in advance for your participation :D
The first Caption Contest starts here :3