why should i turn main off because idiots think people care about the details of their life and feel the need to share every damn detail.
like bloody and aaro said, we're forced to either turn it off or stay and listen to the senseless dribble. its essentially a guild chat as if the whole server was in the same guild. does that really make sense to you by concept? im not as smart as bloody to turn something annoying into entertainment that you can laugh at for years to come.
i will quote oka's suggestion once again as the IDEAL main which keeps all of its utility and primary function
The legendary Joe Wrote:"everyone and everything that speaks on main about anything other than??B/T/S/A> stuff, party requests, guild requests, and Guild recruitment stuffs, and maybe the occaisional help topic (assuming it shows they've tried to do it themselves before asking for help) would be muted. Answers would have to be done in PM,??or else??he @stfu's you. "
^this. honestly. its perfect. more like a business chat channel and GM broadcast or something. if you wanna chat, start up an IRC or make a forum chat. makes more sense ;(
i still remember the instant i found out how many people are annoyed by senseless main dribble. someone dig up the 2007 end of year beef thread

that was good times. sadly to this day nothing has been done