The Legendary Joe
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RE:??Dual Clienting
Ellie Wrote:It would depend on the link.
SLs are wonderful for dancers. When linked, we get Bragi.
only if they have lady luck =/??And??Slow Grace/Service for you is??what's usually asked for when in party situations,??and there's not enough Linker Mains to??Justify getting it just for??that remote possibility of being linked. but yea,??self service + self bragi??is pretty hax, Arrow vulcan spam, with assassin cross of sunset, Throw arrow spam is even more amusing..
Even with their SP Pool, I wouldn't bother trying to get kahii for a dancer, DS Spam eats up SP fast enough as is without autoheal sucking it away too, though Kaizel and Kaupe are nice on all classes.
actually, Every single class has their??uses for their SP pool, and unless you're built in such a way to not need to use skill (ie Dual dagger, agi-2h knight, agi spear sader, or battle smith), I don't really see a need to Get auto heal. Granted it's great for when you lack a priest, but it'll only eat fish/money on alternative sp healing items. Then again, I'm a fan??of vit and vit moderate-heavy hybrid builds and expect to get hit a lot.
11-17-2008, 09:06 AM |
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RE: Dual Clienting
Thanks for all the feedback guys. Great input coming in.
As mentioned earlier however, mailbox system (implementing soon I hope) will allow transfer of items so.. Yea, its mainly just the buffs part
Perhaps we could brain storm ideas to allow for buffs? I was actually thinking of maybe having custom mercenaries (since heRO is known for its great customs  ) These mercenaries would perhaps be able to perform link buffs.
But then again, this would take a lot of coding work and might not be accepted. Pfft. I'm being random ~
11-17-2008, 12:24 PM |
Dark Adonis
Posts: 21
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Joined: Oct 2008
RE: Dual Clienting
I hate the idea of dual clienting to allow buff slaves or really of anything that somehow eliminates the need for other players to buff you, personally. I'll admit I'm slightly biased since I main a full support priest, have a full support soul linker, and intend to make both a full support creator and full support professor later on. Hell, even my assassin is full support, come to think of it...
I've experienced it firsthand on another server, about a year and a half ago maybe, trying to main a support Soul Linker, where everyone had a link slave sitting on their alt account. I was totally unnecessary to the point I had to level solo on poporings until I finally just quit playing my Soul Linker entirely.
If you were somehow able to do it yourself, support players like me would have nobody to party with, and thus no way to level, and would ultimately quit playing, thus worsening the supposed problem you claim allowing buff slaves is meant to fix.
As for my earlier post, I'll be perfectly happy when the mail system comes into play so I can send stuff between my main account and my vendor. For me that'd be considerably more convenient than doing it by dual-clienting anyway.
PPF Wrote:Midboss is clearly the living embodiment of Captain Falcon. Melee Captain Falcon.
11-17-2008, 12:42 PM |