* Piercing Shot
o Now deals additional damage when cast with a Rifle weapon.
Even if you manage to make your opponent bleed slingers are hard enough to keep alive long enough to deal damage and watch the guy bleed.
* Gatling Fever
o Increased the attack speed bonus of the skill.
Thats actually pretty decent but not sure this will help the class stand more of a chance still.
* Crowd Control Shot (Dust)
o The skill's cast time cannot be interupted.
This is a joke... Dust doesnt even take half a second to cast... whats there to interupt...
* Spread Shot
o The skill is now available for use with grenade launchers.
o Increased the attack power of the skill.
This actually becomes more useful now
* Gunslinger Mine (Ground Drift)
o Adjusted the skill damage formula.
o Increased the casting range of the skill.
o Increased the area of effect of the skill.
not sure what exactly they are talking about but what nades actual would need IMO is no cast or no delay, 1 or the other and the status effect of the sphere to actually work 25% of the time at least.