Servers like that shouldn't have "rates."??They should just start everyone at whatever absurd max level they have and give them a Kafra storage with +9/10 versions of every gear there is along with every card.
I don't mind high rates that have 99/70 max for trans characters - if anything they make it easier for players just starting out to get to an acceptable gear level.??I do not like the custom max levels that most high rates have, though.??I played on a 255/100 (max level) server for a while.??It sucked.??Everyone had the EXACT same build.??Example, no one wanted over 30-50 vit (because the item drop rates were high enough that Thanatos Card was common), every melee class had max str, enough AGI for whatever their max ASPD was, and the rest went to DEX.??Every caster had 150 dex and the rest went to INT.??Really boring to play in that environment, in my opinion.??