Just trying to connect to the server so I can start playing, but I'm having some difficulty. I've read a lot on these forums about possible solutions, but I can't seem to fix it.
I have done the following:
1. Downloaded the Full Client from the File Updates page.
2. Installed said Full Client.
3. Checked for any patches on HeRO.
4. Logged in and found I could not connect.
5. Updated Sakray as much as I could using the Sakray client + Sakup.exe
6. Logged in and found I could not connect.
7. Checked and opened any Rag related ports in my Router.
8. Logged in and found I could not connect.
9. Reinstalled everything on a different drive to test.
10. Logged in and found I could not connect.
To my knowledge, Sakray is fully updated, as is HeRO (79 in neoncube).
I can log into the Control Panel using the same account, and it works, AND reports people are active.
What could my problem be?
Any help is appreciated!