The Legendary Joe Wrote:destroika Wrote:Avalon_Fates Wrote:Why have 2hand quicken but no bowling bash.??You have to decide early whether to go 2Hand Build or Spear. Cant hybrid till LK Sorry.
Why not? Brandish spear serves the same purpose as Bowling bash and bowling bash requires 5 points in the useless counter skill. I can carry more than one weapon on me. I also can pick and choose where I go. If I get tired of piercing anolians, I can use 2H quicken in orc_dun02, or kobolds, or try sphinx_dun04, or pierce or 2H quicken other leveling areas. Please tell me, what exactly I am sacrificing here?
??Counter attack : Useless? It saved my knight plenty of times when I ran out??of Healing items on those High Defense monsters. It Blocks their Attack completely for one hit and hits them with an automatic crit, and it has the lowest SP requirement out of all of the swordie/knight skills, and makes it easily spammable.
So long??as the monster doesn't use skills often, this skill is definately worth having. Hell People used to solo MVP's with it.
I agree.
Grab an ED armor and you can counter solo Banshees as a Knight on your 80s without taking any damage.
Grab a Fire Armor and you can Counter Tank a freaking Hydro as a Knight, really usefull in DB parties since Hydros summoned on public DB rooms don't recall their Slaves, so you can just lure them away and counter the dude while the killers do their jobs.
Also, on the side note of PvP. You can be the nightmare of Crit Sins with this XD