I just clicked 4 "report this review" against our own server. As much as we appreciate your time to write a review, *please* follow Ratemyserver guidelines on what is a legit review.
Something like this is *not* acceptable:
Review Wrote:heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO Best Server of RO heRO
Review should reflect your own thoughts and opinions of the server, and why the server deserves the mark that you get. This doesn't do anything, and this is just spam. If I recall correctly, I think that I reported this exact review twice now.
The other review that I reported yesterday is just attempting to start drama between guilds and possibly framing server GMs. I am pretty sure that no guild leaders gave anyone a free ice pick just because you randomly reviewed (and the review is utter crap to begin with, with ads to other sites and other MMOs.) Stop it. You're making both the server and yourself look like a total moron.
Please be considerate that the reputation of the server is perhaps even worse off due to a horrible, illegitimate review compare to no reviews. If you are willing to put the time and effort to show your support of the server, then great. If you don't want to, you don't have to and it is fine.