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Noble Lady Arkanis's Birthday Tournament
GM-Ayu Offline

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Noble Lady Arkanis's Birthday Tournament
[Image: invite_arkanis.JPG]

This upcoming Monday, March 30, at 7 PM (server time) will be the distinguished noble Lady Arkanis's birthday ball. I kindly send out this invitation to all of you to attend to this party in Lady Arkanis's honor.

To enjoy this joyous day, the Nobility Hall has organized a friendly competition among all of the attending friends of Lady Arkanis in a 1vs1 battle. The following small gifts and some set of rules for safety measures will be enforced:

Basic Tournament Setup
-all classes allowed to enter
-advanced sign up is not required, just show up at the party
-everyone will participate in of 4 battles
-each win constitutes as 5 points, each tie constitutes as 3 points
-top 3 scores will be counted as winners
-should there be same scores for ties, rematches will be held
-if rematches result in a tie, then multiple prize item will be given with the prize money evenly divided

Rulings and Details:
-Location of the tournament: ToH PvP Trial Map
-No healing/restoration items of any kind during battle (there are exceptions)
-Exception 1: condensed red potion for Lif Homunculus and/or Condensed Potion Pitcher
-Exception 2: orange potion for "Potion Pitcher" skill
-Additional banned item: Token of Siegfried, Small/Med/Large Life Potions
-Alchemist/Creator classes can use homunculus but cannot resurrect homunculus
-no cute pets
-unlimited green potion/panacea, converters and ASPD potions
-buff items that also heal hp/sp are allowed but only used during pre-buff period
-banned skills besides the mentioned exceptions for alchemist classes: "Play Dead" and "Basilica"
-If a rogue lost a skill from plagiarism due to dying in battle/any other means, the rogue can get the skill again from GM
-each battle is 2:00 long
-any skills that doesn't involve movement of the character itself are allowed during prebuff: as long as the player does not move to a new location until the start of the match
-only the following spell scrolls are allowed for scrolls:

????* Level 3 Lightning Bolt Scroll
????* Level 5 Lightning Bolt Scroll
????* Level 3 Cold Bolt Scroll
????* Level 5 Cold Bolt Scroll
????* Level 3 Fire Bolt Scroll
????* Level 5 Fire Bolt Scroll
????* Level 3 Soul Strike Scroll
????* Level 5 Soul Strike Scroll
????* Level 3 Earth Spike Scroll
????* Level 5 Earth Spike Scroll
????* Level 3 Fire Ball Scroll
????* Level 5 Fire Ball Scroll
????* Level 5 Fire Wall Scroll
????* Level 3 Frost Diver Scroll
????* Level 5 Frost Diver Scroll

-players may choose to forfeit and receive an automatic loss in battle if they wish
-a tie is defined as when both players are standing when time runs out, OR when both players lost all of their hp at the same time OR when both players agreed to a tie during prebuff period
-should someone not show up during their time for PvP session regardless of reason (be it leaving early, D/C), it will constitute as an automatic win for the other person
-an automatic loss is given to the player who leaves the battle arena during their pvp session through any means
-you can deposit items with the GM who act as your 'kafra' at the start of the tournament.
-if you need repair/access to your deposited items from the GM, tell the GM immediately after your battle. After you are recalled to the audience stand, you cannot ask for GM assistance until the end of your next match.


1st Place: 2 mil prize zeny, named Helm of Darkness, named Princess Knife, Queen's Whip[2], 3 royal gold bullion

2nd Place: 1 mil prize zeny, named Loki's Mask, Queen's Whip[2], 3 royal gold bullion

3rd Place: 1 mil prize zeny, Foot of the Sea Witch[2], 2 Poring card, 2 royal gold bullion

named prize: standard equipment identical to normal version of the equip except it has no slots, and the winner of the tournament's name is engraved into the equipment.
03-27-2009, 11:58 AM
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Noble Lady Arkanis's Birthday Tournament - by GM-Ayu - 03-27-2009, 11:58 AM

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