New classes are supposed to be able to overpower all current class
So what? It will be stupid if they dont
Because they are 3rd class, much more advance than 2nd classes, unlike slinger, taekwon or ninja, which are extended classes and would break the game if they overpower the older classes
You are supposed to be a somewhat insanely player to beat a knight (almost mission impossible again LK) with swordman (even high swordman), just because that's 1st class vs 2nd class
It should be the same for 2nd (even trans) vs 3rd. There's a reason monsters that break the lv 99 limit will be introduced to challenge the 3rd classes, and leveling to 99/70 trans was supposed to be made easier (seems like its the equivalent of current 70s bracket)
Now whether there is imbalance between the 3rd classes themselves is a different matter altogether that need testing, and before that they need to be all fully released too.
So, Imbalance? Woot? I dont think SinX beating Guillotine Cross would be balance...
And its not like current classes are balance anyway...
And no, TK wont get a rebirth class, cus the poring cursed em