from the Abyss
Posts: 1,983
Threads: 133
Joined: Oct 2007
RE: Won't be ingame for a very, very long time.
Lookit me!??I'm home!??Wooo!
If you have no bad stuff against you (Unexcused absenses, Negative Incident Reports, AWOL days, etc. etc.) and a lot of good things for you (perfect attendance, Positive Incident Reports, 4.0+ GPA, accumulated voluntary community service) then you can apply for platinum status (there's Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum) which will get you an extra $20 a paycheck.??Aside from that then you get a raise every 90 days no matter your status.??About 5% I think?
No laptop.??Brother hasn't gotten it out of pawn yet.??Really kinda irritating me.??Since I've been gone he's accumulated three minibikes, a four-wheeler, and a new HDTV and my stuff just sits in pawn.??I was really hoping on getting my acoustic guitar since my electric has been boring me.??Yet, no, he just pays on it to keep it floating in pawn.??I'd rather he just pay the $120 to get my stuff back!??After all, he made me pawn it anyway.??D:
Hmm...Doot doot dooooooo...3:30am!??Wow, time for bed!??=D
10-10-2009, 05:29 AM |