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The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

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Joined: Jun 2009
RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part II

She yawns and wakes up slowly. Aeolian and Selrahc had gotted married already, and Telecaster had accompanied her.


She blushed at her own thoughts. She couldn't tell him yet how she really felt. Not yet. Suddenly she received a small letter from Telecaster.


She was excited.

He's on, he's here!

"SME! Hey, Sme, how long would it take us to go to Comodo?" it's his favorite town. And he's been with me to Amatsu and Moscovia too many times.

"Walking? About an hour and a half or so. What for?" he replied.

"Oh goodness... Well, let's tele! Meet you there!"

The young wizard rushed and spoke to the Kafra Service quickly. She warped to Morroc, then headed to Comodo. There, standing and waiting, as amazing as ever, was the young hunter. His falcon glided around him and eyed Naoto suspiciously. She ignored it.

"Where's your spot again Sme?" she asked while smiling. I'm going to make him happy. It was about time we went somewhere he liked.

"Um... follow me." he dashed off into one direction and after a few minutes they arrived at a beautiful beach with glittering purple sand and clear blue water. There was a small boat tied to the docks nearby, and two palm trees provided the perfect shady spot for any exhausted adventurer. Naoto arrived panting again and dropped down on her knees, getting her wedding dress dirty with sand. Telecaster frowned and apologized.

"I forgot wizards don't run..."

"Nya? Again??" she crossed her arms.


"Daijoubu. Wasn't your fault. You're used to high agility jobs. I'm more of a caster than a runner."

"I thought Setsu was both...?"

Wrong thing to say!

Naoto ran after him around the beach with a rolled up newspaper in her hand (no one knows how she got it, she always seemed to have a few rolled up in her hair for easy whacking). She finally caught up and whacked Telecaster square on the head. He fell on the sand, rubbing his head in pain.

"I'm sorry... I won't comment about a pretty sage..."

"Huh?" Naoto began feeling a small amount of jealousy.

"You're a beautiful wizard though!" Telecaster said quickly, saving himself another whack.

Naoto looked away. "I hope you mean that."

"Of course I do!' Telecaster was nervous. Why was it so easy to hurt her feelings?

"Well then! I think you're also a very awesome and sweet guy." Naoto turned towards him again and readied to pounce.

"I still find it hard to believe someone would say something like that about m-"

He couldn't finish the sentence, Naoto had jumped on top of him, knocking him backwards into the sand and splashing water everywhere. The tide was rising, but it wasn't too high as to drown anyone. The young wizard smiled evilly at Telecaster, who was now laughing. In a few seconds their laughter faded, and only the small splashes of minnows and other sea creatures were heard. A few popping sounds appeared, and Naoto hid her face on the hunter's shoulders from fright. He stroked her hair and smiled.

"Relax... it was just some fireworks." he said calmly.

She raised her head and observed how the small sparkles of the fireworks fell around them. The young wizard was blushing deep red and hid her face. Telecaster frowned and sat up to remove her hands from her face and held onto them. She looked up at him and he smiled. They both slowly closed their eyes as their faces neared each other and their lips met. As they pulled away slowly, Telecaster stared curiously at the now red faced wizard. Her eyes were glittering in the night.

She was also observing him, but not with curiosity. Slowly her mouth opened.

"I.. I'm sorry." she bowed her head and turned away. Telecaster slowly made her turn towards him again.

"What are you apologizing for?"

"That... I... shouldn't have done that."

"It's fine. Really."

"It... was sudden, I shouldn't have done it..." tears began to fill her eyes.

"Nao... don't cry..." he wiped her tears which were now cascading down her cheeks. "I... liked it."

"Y-you did...?"

Telecaster leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "Why would I lie about that?"

Naoto blushed and looked into his eyes. They were filled with sincerity. Her nervous frown turned into a soft smile. His eyes answered her question before she could ask it. Slowly the young wizard fixed his hair away from his face and leaned forward, kissing him softly. He pulled her close and kissed back. The young wizard pulled away gently again and her eyes shone in the firework's light.

"I..." she stammered.


"Um... I... think..."

"What?" he was growing curious. Naoto shook her head.

"The sand is really pretty you know." she smiled nervously. Telecaster smiled teasingly.

"You alright?"


"Let's see... I... Um... I... think... Then you suddenly change the sudbject."

"Wha-what? I don't say those things. I think you're going crazy." She backed away slowly. He musn't know now...

"You can always trust me you know. Just... tell me."

"It's going to make you uncomfortable."

"It never happened before, did it? Try me."


He sighed. "If you're sure." He poked her side. "I'm incredibely curious though."

Naoto cringed. "No pokeeen'!"

"Aww..." he poked her again. "But you're fun to poke!"

Naoto stood and pouted. "You know I'm ticklish. Stop."


The young wizard jumped on top of him again and began to tickle him. He laughed and tried to push her off of him. "That's not faaaair!" he whined in between laughter. She stopped and laughed along with him.

It's been yet another day... and I haven't gotten the courage to tell him how I feel. It's too soon. He probably doesn't feel the way I do. After all... he could have any priestess or dancer if he wanted to, why would he marry a silly wizard? Heck, he could even have a sage. They have the same spells I do... and more... and they can help him, endow him.... I'm just a silly and childish wizard with an impossible dream...
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Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
Whisps - Ninja - XX/XX - Algid Skepcis

10-12-2009, 08:56 PM
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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard - by Kenshiro-san - 10-12-2009, 08:56 PM

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