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The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Kenshiro-san Offline
Somebody say Sohee?

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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard
Part IV

That b*****! Ugh! He's such an idiot! "Sorry" doesn't make anything better!

Naoto paced around the grand, purple sanded beach. A stalker sat near her, his head hung in shame. She occasionally glared at him.
"You became such an A***! I mean, I know I was bad, but come on! I didn't look for chances to humiliate you. Ever since we've broken up you've acted like a complete jerk!" Naoto growled. She was fuming.
"I know... That's why I want to change. I know I'm a jerk... I didn't know you were feeling this horrible..."
"Yes Shikari, I was! And I held my tongue too!" Naoto yelled.

"Hey, come to New World!"
"Why not?"
"Not in the mood."
"What's wrong?"
"None of your business."
"Are you alright?"
--censored reply--
"Where are you?"

Naoto was growing bright pink for the millionth time, but this time there wasn't any Telecaster around causing it. Instead of the usual shy pink and red blush on her cheeks, she felt the angry pink blotches of blush growing. The young caster gripped her arc wand tightly in her hand and glared down at the sitting stalker. She found him horribly disgusting in an ethical way. Such a jerk...
She wiped the angry tears from her face. Suddenly, Selrahc's words came to mind.
"I think you should apologize."
She sighed and agreed in her mind. Sel's right. I need to prove I'm over it. I can't get angry over spilt milk, what's done is done. Holding a grudge won't do anything.
"Mm...?" the stalked looked up at her sorrowfully.
"I'm sorry. I was really hurt when you did those things. I shouldn't have flamed you either, talking would have been better."
Shikari didn't reply.
"Don't think this means I forgive you though."
"Don't worry... I..." Shikari stood and looked beyond Naoto. "I can see you Waffle."
Naoto turned and saw her daughter standing a small distance from them, hugging her knees. The baby dancer fixed up her blonde hair and waved towards the two of them.
"Don't worry! I'm just making sure the conversation doesn't get too hairy!" she said smiling. Waffle turned towards her new pet and scratched its head.
"Leave my daughter alone Shik, she's doing nothing wrong."
"It's fine... Just saying."
"Be the stalkee now."

A hunter appeared running towards them. Naoto suddenly felt a huge weight on the pit of her stomach. Sme... and Shik... Goodness...
"Hi Shikari." Telecaster said.
"Hi Sme." answered Shikari.
Naoto stood and sat next to Telecaster. She saw Shikari's face and felt pity. I don't mean to make him feel bad now though... "I'm sitting next to Sme because I haven't seen him in the whole day. I waited for him for five hours, I deserve my little reward eh?"
"Yeah..." Shikari answered. He stood to leave. Waffle stood too and ran towards her parents.
"HI DADDY HI MOMMY!" she hugged Telecaster and Naoto. "I have to go now, so daddy can watch the conversation between you and Shik now, 'kay?"
"It's alright... I'm leaving anyway." Shikari said gloomily. He shuffled his feet away from the pair, but not without sending the you wizardress a small message.
"I know we had our differences, but in the end you're still the cute girl I fell for."
Naoto looked frustrated. She watched the stalker fade away and turned to Telecaster. Waffle then turned to them both and teleported away. The hunter and the wizard stood alone. She looked up at Telecaster with tearful eyes. He frowned and hugged her.
"What's wrong?"
"I said... bad things to Shik..." she sobbed a bit.
"But... did something really bad happen? Did he do something wrong?" he let her cry on his shoulder.
"Kinda... well, I'm just a bit angry with him.. him being a jerk and all. But I feel horrible because I said such horrible things..."
"You apologized though, right?"
"Then it should be fine."
Naoto frowned. She clung onto Telecaster and he held her in his arms. "I can't help but feel guilty though..." he said.
"What for?"
"Ever since I came up... it seemed to start going downhill..."
"No, no no, don't think that... It's not your fault... We were going downhill anyway... way before you came up. You arrived when it was almost over. So don't blame yourself."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." she hugged him close.

He's so wonderful... But.. do I... are these feelings real? Is it just infatuation?

She looked up at him. Telecaster smiled down on her. She shyly smiled back. Slowly their faces neared each other, and Naoto's breath was stolen away by the young hunter. The wizard stared into the hunter's eyes. Realizing her face was turning deep pink, she looked away.
"Something wrong...?" Telecaster asked Naoto.
"No... Nothing." Except that you make me blush so much...
"Are you sure? Don't look away..."
I'm turning all emo. That's Hisoka's job. She's the smart aleck gunslinger, not me.
Naoto ran off. Telecaster frowned and called for her. Noticing he received no reply. the hunter sat on the sand, trying to figure out what just happened.
A splash was heard, and shortly after, the mingled laughter of two adventurers. Telecaster leaned up a bit to observe the wizard lying on him who was now fidgeting with her dress. Naoto frowned and gave up. She was about to playfully kiss the hunter when...

"Erm, am I interrupting..?" asked the crusader while 'ahem'ing at them and being, as usual, on his large peco. Naoto turned deep red and stood quickly. Selrahc extended a hand towards Telecaster and helped him stand as well.
"Um.. no, we weren't doing anything..." Naoto said nervously.
"You sure? I can just leave and let you guys have your time to.. er... do whatever it is you were doing." said the crusader, and he frowned upon the hunter. Telecaster felt himself shrinking. Naoto was Selrahc's older daughter, and his younger daughter was already flirty around a fellow guildsman, who was constantly being threatened by the strong crusader to stay away.
"It's alright Sel." Naoto hesitated. "I apologized to Shik."
Selrahc smiled at Naoto and patted her head. "That's my good girl."
"I told him it didn't mean I forgave him though."
"Fair enough. You'll forgive him when you're ready to."
Silence fell upon them. Selrahc eyed Telecaster curiously, examining him. The hunter, in turn, shrunk away slowly, intimidated by the large crusader. Selrahc broke the silence.
"So what were you guys doing then, if you weren't doing anything important...?"
"We were talking..." Telecaster mumbled. Selrahc glared down at him, he expected the usually talkative Naoto to answer. He shrugged it off and walked away. "I'm going to go help Ama level." he said.
"Bye Papa Sel!" Naoto called out happily.
"Bye Nao!" Selrahc began to run off, but halted he turned to Telecaster. "Bye Sme."
"B-bye Selrahc." Answered the scared young hunter. Selrahc unmounted his peco and approached him.
"Listen up Sme. My daughter has been through a lot. You know I'm worried about that probable marriage between Ama and that dang Tristein. Don't make me worried about Naoto too." he told him with a very serious face.
Selrahc smiled and patted his back. "Alright then. See you guys later." He mounted his peco again and ran off into whoknowswhere.
Naoto turned to Telecaster, who looked at her with a curious face. He prepared to run as she took a running start. BAM!
Both were knocked onto the ground again. Naoto bit his cheek playfully and laughed. He rubbed his cheek and looked down on his chest where Naoto's head lay. He watched her smile and yawn... then slowly doze off....

He's really comfy.... *yawn* Oh wow... so...sleepy... so very... zz....
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Kenshiro-san - Priest - XX/50 - Algid Skepcis
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10-12-2009, 09:20 PM
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RE: The Overlydramatic Love Story of a Noob Wizard - by Kenshiro-san - 10-12-2009, 09:20 PM

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