"Don't hold your breath." Shichiro said back, standing well in the middle of the ship. He was thankful that most of the monsters weren't aggressive-- seemingly bent more on the destruction of the ship than the passengers themselves. It seemed like there was no end to this-- the more monsters he killed, the more flew in to replace what had been killed. He just hoped that Lin--
A loud, grating squawk made him turn his head to gaze off the ship. There was something there; far larger than the monsters now, and barreling towards the ship at an alarming rate. It was beating wings with a fury, and Shichiro blanched slightly yet again. While he hadn't ever been on the ship, he knew what that was.
"G-G-Gryphon!!" He warned the other party members. And here he thought the extermination was going to be a snap.
( :3. )
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith