#1 Is danielle because we could lurk hero forums together and orchestrate our posts to an even more sinister degree :3. Also because she can make me feel better if I'm sad!
#2 Is AYU! Kind of odd but she;s a great GM on HeRO and seems to have has a very??Calm personality and comes across as very responsible. We'd need her to keep the house in line :]( ..ok that's fail xD). Plus, she's just plain fun to talk to!
#3 Kev(Eldakar) Because as far as I know, he can cook food pretty good. Plus, I would love to hear him call everything "noob" irl. "Hey has anyone seen the n00b remote
#4 Kretzer Just..because, he's fun to talk to and he likes THE OFFICE so that's an automatic IN. We could make references to the office everyday and that would be fun??lol.
#5 What house is complete without KILLOUZ. I don't think I need to explain this..he just NEEDS to be there :].
sob there's more people I wanna take but you said only 5