Sheepdude Wrote:GM-Scott, I'm more impressed that people DON'T own up to it after they've been caught red-handed.
You guys run a really great server (aside from people abusing this exploit). I've played on a lot of crummy servers, either with awfully old ragnarok implementations, or guild-biased GMs (which I can't stand).
This however is a problem of user abuse and not of GM abuse. And I can live with that. I just hope you and your team can continue to run the server as you have.
Thanks for the good words.
However, I can smell the breath of the accused on my neck for what is in bold. You've been honest with me, let me be honest with you : if
anybody did not get the pun, Towel was a playing character of mine. Scott's Towel. It's a brand of paper towel that are/were quite popular in Quebec (Canada?).
Crummy quality ahoy!
So, Towel has been the Guild Master of Shmoo! from begging to it's "prime time". So yeah, a Lv70 Super Novice was the guild master. Does it makes ANY difference to the guild or
whatever... Well no. Because shortly after having acquire "some power" (read: the first castle ever), I was kind of turn down by Shmoo!. Yeah, Shmoo! was never meant to be a WOE guild. It was supposed to be a nobody's super novice guild.
Well, so... You might have been in fury against Shmoo! one time or another and it was a "GM's guild" if you want to be technical. Not that it made any difference, I have much better thing to do on the server than help the guildies bash on others.
Aaanyway, that's my mea culpa.