Trying to put these in order.
10. Sailor Cap: Oh yah I went there, this little fancy custom is actually pretty nice and not even too difficult to get. It has some okay stat bonuses that actually make it worth using till you get the higher end headgears.
9.Goibne Armor: 2 vit and 10% hp, not bad for beginners, didn't wind up higher on the list due to it being such a heavy armor that only fighters can really afford to use it.
8. Geffen Helm: Why people haven't realized yet this is the easier to acquire spiky band[1] on crack I'll never understand, but this little 1-2mil hatter is one of the BEST to get I think.
7. Frigg's Circlet: +2 int, 10mdef, and 50SP, its actually a useful gear that I'm surprised more mages aren't using early on anymore.
6. Iron Wrist: Why aren't more merchies and swordies using these? Bash and Mammonite got a wonderful boost from these accessories. I wish rogue class could wear them but figures Gravity didn't want to for some reason.
5. Fricco Shoes: Beautiful, can't ever go wrong with +2 agi and 10% more heal from pots. THIS is why pots>fish folks
4. Falcon Muffler: Beautiful item, better than whisper for anyone even if you lose 5flee, 5PD is much more valuable and you don't have a huge weakness to ghost attacks!
3. Goibne Spaulders: The basic long range reduction gear
2. Vali's Manteau: Can't deny the power of substitution, this thing packs 4 def and 15% neutral resist.
1.Vidars Boots: Hands down the best shoes you can get before you get whatever your end game shoes will be (valk shoes, tidals, or variants or soon to be diabolos boots), or they ARE the best for extended classes without +9 sandal[1] or shoe[1]. It amazes me there are not more parties to Thana 3 just to farm these things together as a guild or with friends but that's how it rolls.