Pope Mitre (tee hee, I play a Priestess XD)
Link Hat
Luck o' Irish
Black Cat Ears
I will do a run down of how much it would be in Zeny, and you can value the hats as to whatever you think is fair :3
If you'd like the style to be similar to the Deathnote color manga, that would be soft-shade semi-real, which begins at 2.5. Pet is a free addition, the elemental wings I'll do for .5, and the flame background for an additional .5 :3
So altogether 3.5m for that image, with pet and wings and flamings. :3 I could do the same in a more animeish style for 3m :3
Let me know what you think!
Gabriel Marelle: FS Priestess - 9x/50
Gabriel Czerwonakowa: Esma Bolter SL - 99/50
Irahlem Marelle: Acid Demo Creator - 7x/3x
Jibreel Marelle: Service Dancer - 9x/50
Therese Chevalier: Duelist Knight - 9x/50
Rikku J. Cidolphus: Stealing All You've Got In Your
Pockets -7x/4x