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Info on Recent Hacker Attack and Rollback
Former-GM-Circe Offline
Thank you, all. <3

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RE: Info on Recent Hacker Attack and Rollback
Message from Pandora:

Quote:heRO had a rollback yesterday as you all know, it's the first real rollback in heRO's history of 4+ years. Of course we had small rollbacks before during server crashes, but not more than a few minutes.

Words cannot express how we feel about everyone's loss of those 36 hours of game play as well as what we'd like to do to the people who caused this...

Our first priority goes to you, the players, as such most of you have noticed the increased rates already, we also said we would announce today our definite answer on the possibility of getting items back in certain specific cases, so here are the details.
  • Rates are increased to 7/7/5 until next Sunday's event (Dec. 6th)

  • Quest rates are increased to 5x, we will discuss if the change is to be permanent, if the rates go back to 2x on Sunday, or something in between.

  • Pandelina will make an appearance tonight to give you some goodies, she will stay till Sunday from Monday morning (7th December 2009) to Friday evening (11th December 2009). [Items are Account bound, requires a char level 75+ to collect, only once per account]

  • We will NOT give back levels/% of exp even if you have screenshots, please make use of the increased rates to gain it back.

  • We will NOT give back any items or zeny obtained in a trade with another player, simply find the person and trade again.

  • There is effectively only 1 case where we will give back an item lost, the main condition is that that the item must be worth over 3M zeny, it must be a single item, if it's a group of items that total 3M zeny together it does NOT count. Value of items is subjective of course, we ask people to be reasonable and not expect to get a lunatic hat back. Anything under 3M zeny we suggest you make use of the increased rates to either farm zeny and buy it from someone or hunt it again. Screenshots are irrelevant and we will not be asking you for them. The only acceptable way to ask for an item lost will be via the support ticket and with the following template properly filled:
- Name of character the item was obtained on:
- Name of the item:
- ID of the item: (you can look it up on RMS or via @ii in game)
- Time when you obtained the item: in server time (EST GMT-5) be as precise as you can!
- How the item was obtained: example from monster ___ in map ___ (remember: items traded between players are NOT valid)

Link to the support ticket:

Any report that does not respect these rules or follow the template will be closed with only a link to this thread, likewise for any PM in game or in forum asking for items. Reports with the most precise time frame will be handled first, vague report going last.

Once again we apologize for all the inconvenience, we are doing our best to offer compensation, I know some people will still be displeased over what they lost, but I hope you eventually get over it. As most of you know we worked very hard already in getting the server back online as fast as humanly possible, amongst other things we have to look into who did this and how to make sure it never happens again. Restoring items of all value would just have been too time consuming in the end, so we had to draw the line somewhere.
Gone! Thanks for the memories.

12-03-2009, 11:49 AM
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RE: Server Situation - by GM-Aki - 12-02-2009, 10:53 PM
RE: Server Situation - by GM-Aki - 12-02-2009, 11:18 PM
RE: Server Situation - by GM-Nara - 12-02-2009, 11:51 PM
RE: Server Situation - by GM-Ayu - 12-03-2009, 12:10 AM
RE: Server Situation - by GM-Ayu - 12-03-2009, 06:15 AM
RE: Info on Recent Hacker Attack and Rollback - by GM-Circe - 12-03-2009, 11:49 AM

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