Thank you again for being so patient. Are there any small modifications you can think of before I begin to color it? (much of the definition of the image will happen as its colored, like the stripes on the costume, and the flame around the little imp for example).
That's the moon behind him. I plan on a starry sky with some clouds.
Gabriel Marelle: FS Priestess - 9x/50
Gabriel Czerwonakowa: Esma Bolter SL - 99/50
Irahlem Marelle: Acid Demo Creator - 7x/3x
Jibreel Marelle: Service Dancer - 9x/50
Therese Chevalier: Duelist Knight - 9x/50
Rikku J. Cidolphus: Stealing All You've Got In Your
Pockets -7x/4x