if the meta game is easier (and definitely faster) i would still say that entering non-trans is easier.
sure it still takes some work to do so, but getting a +7 muffler is way easier than a +7 wool (they raydric/noxious part is the same)
getting +7 shoes is much easier than +7 tidals (matyr/verit/firelock/sohee/etc is the same)
getting +7 guards or bucklers is significantly easier than +7 valks or stone bucklers (although they are also accessible for non trans, but the pressure to get +7 valks or SBs is significantly lower) non trans don't need to worry about strong shields... (thara is easy in the east cave)
upper headgears are about the same, armor is about the same, accs is about the same.
Levelling 1-90+ non-trans takes ~ 1/3th the time to get to 90+ trans
so yeah, i contend it's still significantly easier to enter non trans WOE. And what i meant was in the context that if you were to open more castles, perhaps it would be best to open more non trans castles.