Huntress Wrote:It changes both atk and matk when I put it on, and it was like that since the start of the quest maybe you need to recheck...
Well from RMS as I don't think we modified ribbon hat:
{ bonus bMdef,7; bonus bStr,1; bonus bInt,1; if(getrefine() >= 7) {bonus bAtkRate,3; bonus bMAtkRate,3; bonus2 bSkillHeal,"AL_HEAL",6;} else { bonus bAtkRate,2; bonus bMAtkRate,2; bonus2 bSkillHeal,"AL_HEAL",5;} },{},{}
So ribbon hat does have the bAtkRate,2 in there so I should get "some" form of atk boost. I tried it on my Sniper again just in case if it doesn't work on HP because my atk power is too low for 2% to show up. Here is the result:
My atk stayed at 395+49 and didn't go up by 2%. I should get around 7 or 8 Atk out of it if the script command is working, no?