In all honesty, if I were to lose my sheep, I would probably not make another. Most likely, I would pick filir and abuse the flee. To me, the arguments about homun's damage-dealing capability is a reflection solely on time to grind it to 99. Because I'm not a sissy wimp who thinks fireblend is an alchemist's best damage.
But on the subject of raw tanking power, how much hard mdef do vani and lif get? I know their listed "mdef" stat is large, but that includes soft mdef from int. I totally haven't done any research with them.
Kroggles ensures the living stay living, and the dead stay dead.
Clobberella beats you up.
Teela Brown has a birdie!
Flosshilde communes with the very souls of the damned.
Walsung is actually pretty cool. For a guy made of metal.