Played as a 98 sinx. I enjoyed the monster trial today, although I can understand why some people probably thought it was too easy. I was just pleased because it's the first time in 5 ToHs that I managed to beat round 4.
Item trial seemed harder than usual. KSing has always been a problem in my experience, both on the giving and receiving end (I'm built for sbk and I don't know how to cancel the cast, if I even can -- sorry anyone I accidentally KSed!
). Not sure what can be done about that, if anything. Is it possible to randomize the item lists that people get so that we're not all hunting for the exact same set of items? For example, nobody needed items from Tao Gunka, Garm, or Turtle General today, but they were spawned all over. If some people had had them as targets, we wouldn't have all been fighting so hard over the others. That's the best I can come up with at the moment.
Echoing everyone else's opinion of question 1 and "siblings" being acceptable. That was disappointing. I thought the questions were varied enough to give everyone a chance, though. And I appreciated the bonus questions; it's nice to make each ToH varied, and I think it encourages participation in the trivia round if people are kept wondering whether they might get lucky!
Mass PVP battle was awesome but I really wish there was some way to eliminate team-killing. It's supposed to be Light vs. Dark, not a free-for-all. :/