reading mostly what Aya said, really makes me think perhaps there should be a revisit into calculating total points for TOH... since priests and babies/novices get bonus points, perhaps hunter/sniper points should be calibrated towards the other spectrum? or do we really expect only sniper LK WS to excel in TOH? Because 2 out of the 3 "main event" seems to be pvm, and well short of making custom mobs which undo the pvm legacy gravity gave to those particular classes i don't see TOH ever being balanced enough to really allow class variety to flourish...
looking at the items, i think the idea itself was pretty good, but perhaps it would have been better if garms were not necessary in two items, so the initial request for cold breaths could probably have been substituted for ifrit or tao gunka drops... and other than allowing easier items access for casters and limiting range superiority in said lag fest, perhaps other temporary/more manageable mitigation schemes might work like more defender skills or make toh bacsojin even more annoying by giving her pneuma too
anyhoo, looking at the questions i think trivia was a bit hard, but it's definitely very well thought out