Irxallis Wrote:Namine Wrote:The flee tank thing is more "forcing yourself to have a purpose" as you put it, it doesn't have anything in the high end mvps/dungeons/efficient parties
High end MVPs? Yes, useless. High end dungeons? Disagreed.
Dimensional Gorge? We proved it works well on a 2* sniper + stalker + HP or sniper + prof + stalker + HP team. Nidhoggur1, 2, 3 (except Duneyrr - and only because we haven't assembled the necessary equipment and made several tests yet)? No problem. Add Soul Linker into equation and you have one safe undispellable tank. Thor1? Only salamanders are a problem. Does not work on mobbing parties, but there are more ways to play than that single one, even if they are less efficient exp-wise. But then I don't have to ask @main for the same classes everyone competes for.
Party does not have to adapt to a stalker. Every party is built around a concept who-will-do-what. It so happens that in a party with a fleetank(s) the tactics is different to one with a different mob control.
Many things may work in high end parties, but the point is to do the parties in the most efficient way possible. When it comes down to it, the efficient parties don't really have stalkers, ninjas, gunslingers, etc built into them. There's stronger alternatives which offer better results for any time spent.
For example, you're fine with a LK or Pally tank in nidhog. Dispel just means casting another assumptio, which shouldn't really be an issue if you have a bragi (which is staple for most parties anyways). If you're going thors, you could run down to Thor3 and get a much higher exp/hr, and better drops as well. Heck, even in dimensional gorge (for this SvN), you could power through it with mobbing and storm gusting or even have an SG tank AND kill with the same number of people.
I'm not saying stalker is useless. However, when it comes down to it, stalkers are pretty much for either solo farming, intimidate spam to clear spots (most notably, bio3), or PvP/WoE.
Now, to stay on topic: Stalkers don't need any buffs. They do well on things they're expected to do. Stalkers are essentially a mix between snipers and lord knights, and you can't expect a jack-of-all-trades class to be compete on the same level as specialized classes.