countless pages => numerous SW books
6 acted stories => 6 movies (2 trilogy)
2 generations => when the first trilogy of movies was released most of us were not born yet, our parents were about our age.
2 different names => Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
1 for the man = Anakin
1 for the machine = Darth Vader
1 love&life lost for 2 unknown blessings = Padm? Amidala (his wife & love) dies giving birth to his 2 kids which he doesn't know about at that time (he learns about them only when they are grown up).
1 soul by his son redeemed = He redeems himself by "killing" his master to save his son.
I didn't have time to add my other clues XD, I had at least 5 already written up, darn!