No I don't, since I only play free stuff XD; I played LoL for awhile but then I don't have time to learn the builds and strats to new heroes every single week. So the only competitive 'pvp' thing I play is Pokemon~ It's so far the only game next to children's card games that's purely macro, setup, team building and out-prediction. The actual carrying out of the steps are purely turn-based selection with no sense of timer, thus gameplay is unaffected by lag (there goes that common online excuse). When you choose your team of 6, decide their abilities, movepools and EV spread, before you fight half the battle has already been fought~
Anyway enough about micro vs macro... I was just answering the OP's question that I much favor macro over micro. Right now a few mvps do require some adjustments and new change to strategies because of new svn's full activation of AIs, so a few old mechanics can no longer be abused... so with a few things left going for me, I decided to casually play a bit again to see how to beat full activation~