RE: WoE Revitalization Poll
E) sounds more like a pvp automated event (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) than something that fix the current WoE situation, so while it sounds like a good idea to have a pvp event that actually uses woe rulesets, it doesn't help/"fix" woe though. Just wanted to point that part out...
D) So a team that's already dominating, will dominate even more as they have even more prizes and the ones that steal the castle for brief few minutes only have a pat on the back that probably can't pay off the pots consumed anyway... heh.
C) I don't think this fixed anything... we tried 2, 3, and even 4 castles in these years and there's complaints about all the different setups. Seems like the problem isn't related to how many castles there are.
B) I support it just because the difference between standard items and god items are greatly reduced by today's standards compare to standards 4 years ago when we made the random chest approach. Meg is still godly powerful, but the other 3 has dropped down to being pretty but either very specific, or just downright "yup, pretty." God items existed on the server finally and it didn't seem like absolutely overwhelming for the sides with god items.
A) I have no comment on A and personally prefer to hear more about it. Seems like it can be both good and bad depending on the details.
Either way, nice sparkles but can we address fundamental of our server's future as a whole rather than "woe division" and "pvm division"?
Sometimes WoE participation rate can be boosted indirectly though... currently, if a competitive player looks at a server, there's not a lot that makes a player say "I rather be competitive here than Valk iRO", especially now that Yggdrasil server is out for iRO as well getting renewal for all of their servers with all 3rd classes and fully working renewal mechanics, which pservers have proven to fail to accomplish. Even if players put in the effort, what really makes heRO able to compete with iRO's free server or other pservers in terms of having an attractive gaming experience, or reason to play here~?
2 years behind (4 dungeons worth: brasilis, el descartes, bifrost, dewata, and kRO pumps one out every half year) in updates isn't one of them.
Decide now as we are sitting on the edge of renewal updates: is heRO going renewal, or abandoning renewal? If we're getting renewal, then when are we shifting our mechanics over? If we're not getting renewal, what is the GM team going to do in terms of updates since everything from this point onward is designed for renewal by kRO? Are we going to challenge renewal monsters using current mechanics, or do we expect the GM team to customize the hell out of them?
Answers to questions like that, I'm sure all players be it woe participants or not, will like to hear about. It'll affect rather players have motivation to do anything in anticipation to the future, including woe/high end parties/events/invite friends to join in on the woe and all the other fun stuff/whatever.
~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~