The custom gears of this server. Unless otherwise mentionned, all wings weight 100 and they equip Armor + Lower head. Helms weight 50 and equip only upper head. If no mention is made, the wings/helms have 0 slot for cards. Most custom wings and some special helms are untradable to other players, undroppable, unsellable, but you can store them (you can share them within the characters from your account).
The Custom gears are separated in 5 sections.
Gears obtained from various quest.
Hatter Quest hats
Gears that drops from monsters.
Light/Dark Allegiance Gears
Seasonal / Not yet obtainable gears / Other.
All palettes available at the stylist under "heRO colors" are original 100% work made by GM-Feith (aside from 1 made by GM-Pandora).
All sprites not mentioned here (in addition to most of the game) are copyrighted by Gravity. The emulator we use is copyrighted eAthena.
The heRO server wiki displays these data in greater depth, so use the heRO wiki for more details here
*** Do not take anything from our server's data, if you want something, ASK THEIR ORIGINAL AUTHOR(S) ***