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*RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
iSpam Offline
so i herd u liek mudkipz

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Joined: May 2011
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread*
As the bells of Alberta rang in despair due to a hero's passing, a loud cry was drowned from the mansion of the noble family of "Mavros". Adreena, a well known high wizard throughout Midgard; worn out from the pains of childbirth, was angered by their midwife who stood silently while holding her newborn. "Thi... this is... this is a bad omen..." we're the words that slowly came out of the midwife's shaking lips. Adreena had a first glance of her offspring, a healthy girl with a significant hexagram-shaped birthmark on her left leg and to her surprise, violet hair. The midwife quickly grabbed a knife to end the newborn's life; Adreena, on her weakened state, swiftly spat a spell's chant. Not a single word came out from the happenings this day.

"You did well, Iolanthe Milonas..." Mahnsoo, the Merchant's guild leader, said as he was judging an applicant's performance on her initiation exam, "...welcome to the Guild." A young white-haired adventurer wearing tattered clothes jumped for joy for her successful beginning, as Mahnsoo was about to hand her her official merchant uniform, Alberta's bell rang as a signal that it is now noon. Iolanthe, without a word ran as quickly as she can heading outside town, ran around the walls of Alberta, and finally climbed a vine which leads to the Mavros' mansion. She moved some loose bricks away from a wall to enter into a very beautiful spacious room, decorated with the finest jewels all over the world and is filled with hundreds of cute monster dolls, a place which every girl from all over Midgard would call "paradise". However, two things are noticeable in that room, the door is heavily locked much like one from a prison with SSS-ranked criminals and that it's windows are those that are only meant for just light to pass on. "Lady Ianthe. It's time for your lunch, your instructor would be here in a hour" a maid from the house said from the other side of the door as she was unlocking several locks. She panicked and ran straight to her majestic comfort room and locked the door, she almost tore of her clothes in an effort to change quickly into her princess-like outfit, her awfully designed wig from god-knows-what it's made off fell in the process and revealed her silky smooth violet hair.

The next day, after eating her morning meal(which is always placed before she wakes up on her room), she went straight to the merchant's guild through her secret path, apologized for yesterday with some poorly-made lies and finally was listed as an official part of the guild. She wore her merchant outfit like it was worth more than her princess-like dress. To the fields she went to train.

Alberta's bell rang loudly, it's noon again. She repeated her usual routine but this time, on her way to the vines, she tripped harshly and ripped her leggings in the process. Unwounded but in pain, she looks back on what she's tripped on, a single violet flower, standing out among all the common ones with it, she has no idea how she tripped on this harmless pretty looking flower, amazed and joyed with the unexpected event, she picked up the flower. Her birthmark lit when she held the flower, something suddenly came to her mind.

"...the! you've eno..." a blurry vision of a man yells while pointing a sword towards her in rage. The cold winds, the dancing grass on their feet, the weird looking red moon, and her enormous ax at hand, it feels like she was the one on the vision. Everything suddenly vanished upon her hearing her maid calling her name from the mansion. She managed to go inside before the maid opened the door but she still was wearing her merchant suit.

As the last lock was being opened, she knew that she couldn't make it in time. She threw her knife below her bed, jumped in her blanket while accidentally dropping the flower in the process. Her maid entered the room with her hiding in her blanket as she tried to strip inside. "M'lady, are you alright?", she shrugs from inside the blanket to remove her wig, then she popped her head out and said she isn't feeling well. They agreed that her lessons would be postponed for the day, just when the maid was about to leave. Ianthe noticed the flower she dropped, "if she sees this, they'll find out" she thought. Just then, a shadow like creature that looks like a pillow took it stealthily and ran off and passes through one of the walls.

Her maid left the room, Ianthe was all puzzled with whatever happened. The shadow like creature appeared from the wall like it was

i suck at this o.o i made a whole story lol. brb. need some air. imma remake this later xD
There are four brothers in this world that were all born together:
The first he runs and never wearies,
The second eats and is never full.
The third he drinks and is ever thirsty,
And the fourth sings a song that is never good.
[Image: sn1bw7.gif]
06-02-2011, 02:30 AM
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Heimdall -Protector of Asgard- - by Heimdall - 07-24-2006, 11:37 AM
RE: *RolePlaying Character Background Thread* - by iSpam - 06-02-2011, 02:30 AM

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