If you don't mind, I'm going to suggest a few things you may consider adding.
Somewhere early on there, you need to include that job 46-50 is what is needed for any soul linker. 46 being the baseline. Reason being, you can't use kick skills as a linker, so you need the points only for up to max warm wind, high jump, flying side kick maxed(to unlock break fall), and break fall itself.
Anything above 46 isn't really needed usually, unless you want to get the extra happy/peaceful break points for use in tandem with other taek classes. Such as, with a star glad in odin's 3.
Also, you may want to consider condensing a bit of the information there. Tis a lot for any average noobie player to take in. Add a tl;dr'ish version after the read, with basic training areas/gear setups/skill layouts, and some nifty information regarding the ka-es skills and links+duo/party purposes.
Apologies for nit-picking~ Very nice guide, best of luck with your s'linkin.
Oh, and kaahi level switching. Its not best to roll with max level all the time versus an appropriate level for where/what you're fighting. Not to mention that skills go through it's protection, but thats a given.