for you, maybe. For others?
wools, obs, and various other items are still useful for ppl who's just starting out. And opening up all the castles would allow new guilds a chance to taste a bit of the woe scene without having to run into a brick wall every single time.
WHEN these new players feel that they've gotten enough gears and want to start going for god items, THEN they will join the big guilds and fight in those "select castles".
of course, this is only if you actually WANT to entice new people into the woe scene. IF what you want is to achieve efficiency in farming god items, then by all means proceed to wall out everyone else, but don't complain about lackluster fights and lack of new blood...
i even made a huge wall of post about efficient god item farming vs woe competitiveness once, just can't seem to find it even after searching through most of my posts...