My Stalker could be a helper if you're interested.??Though at this time I notice you are mostly interested in Gypsy, Clown, and High Priesty types I can assure you my master Stalker can be a helper too.
He can pluck extra materials from the mushrooms and plants you may harvest, and of course from monsters too.??This means more for the brewings!??;3
And he's 99/70!??With that, you are free to tax his experience to the fullest with no consequences.
RP wise though, he's kind of a smart aleck.?? >.>
PM me if you really need more details on backstory and whatnot.??There is a good bit I can share, and some bits maybe can be teased later from the character if he's in the proper mood.
Anyway, I won't be offended in any manner or think ill of you if turned down.??