you have to consider also the loyal sony fans who are willing to pay the price and saying there only shipping a few is marketting genius to make people have the illusion they will be all bought out so they will go buy when the price is high but I expect a drop in prices in about 3 months wich will make the ps3 more affordable and much larger competition plus we must also consider the ps3 in the stock market don't ask I heard it somewhere anyway but as for kiddy games I hated nintendo for that sure there are a few mature games but when the console turns into kiddy carnage I get annoyed.... anyway Ps3 has some look foward to releases just like Wii such as Kingdom hearts 3, Final fantasies and most of the larger more famous rpgs in my opinion though 360 is hillariously smart they released a slightly bugged version a year before everyone but they made insane profit and now that its debugged its selling again. Those Microsoft people are quite crafty. Anyway all this too say VIVA LE PS3!!!! lol and wii is a stupid name that will never grow on me but I must admit it looks pretty sick with some of there games such as red steel but I draw the line at nunchucks lol