Welcome to the "kawaii-hat sentiment" server!
I laughed too much on this true sentment
They have right on automatic events: are easy, a lot and give good items too easy.
Before that GM make the Event Bag, I remember hatter cards 500k, nothing sell them but all want to buy. A lot of people buy sunglasses[1] and other shit from hatter.
Now you can get hatter cards e bb very very easy, all people sell them at 300k and you can found some hatter hat more easy than before.
Easy way to get money = perma poring smash.
The BG...
Is better that I don't speak, because GM here don't care a f*** of PvP and I see this on this 2 years. The original BG are differents, but avoid this argument...
That a people that played a day speak bad of economy of this server has no sense, but in the end he has right: this server has a problem with economy and I blame automatic events for this.
They said that some quest are hards: can't be all easy, else where is the fun?
There are various fun stuff around, but not for a new player: need to play a bit for know this server.